Part 21 DNA test

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Tori PoV 

Today I am off with Carter to see Stacey to ask her about doing a DNA test. I just really hope this goes well. After everything she has put me through I am really hoping it's not true and she's not my sister. Leon is looking after the kids for me so I can do this. Carter had his fingers interlocked with me and he could instantly tell I was nervous. I squeezed his hand and he whispered "I'm with you every step of the way"

I smile at him slightly and we arrived at Stacey's house. Carter knocked on the door and within seconds Stacey opened the door and she stuttered "hi,"

"Hi can we come in," Carter questioned

Stacey nods and then we walked into the house. We followed Stacey and we sat in the living room. Stacey said "so can I ask why you're here?"

" I uh, I want to do a DNA test to double check that we are sisters," I say 

"Yeah I'm ok with that," Stacey replied 

I was shocked because usually Stacey would refuse to do anything that me or Carter have asked. Carter still had his fingers interlocked me mine and I think he could feel me shaking because he squeezed my hand. I look at Stacey and I say "Stacey how long have you known we could be sisters? Also why have you treated me like shit for the past... I dunno for years," 

Stacey looked between me and Carter and she said "I've known for the past few years to be honest.  And that's why I treated you the way I did. I was jealous that you knew dad and that you have the perfect life and you came to live here and you took Carter away from me and you had everything," 

"Stacey, that wasn't the case. I moved here because my parents passed a way. I didn't take Carter away from you that was up to Carter. But all these years you have treated me horribly and I didn't deserve any of it," I mumbled 

"I know, since I've gone to these weekly meetings they have helped me massively and I am trying to change, that is why I told you about us being sisters. I can see you and Carter are happy together. I shouldn't done what I did." Stacey replied 

"Guys we should go, we need to get this DNA test done," Carter said 

We all stood up and went to the DNA testing center to get it done. We finagled turned up and they got us in straight away and we both got tested. We have to wait 2-3 weeks before we get the results back. 

We left the center and I said thank you to Stacey and me and Carter walked the opposite way to her. 

Carter PoV 

I could instantly tell Tori was nervous and she didn't know what to do with herself. I stopped Tori and I stood in front of her. Tori looked at me confused. I said "I am really proud of you T, but don't keep those thoughts in your head ok, you should talk to me,"

"I know, Carter I'm scared, I'm scared she will be my sister after everything she has put me through," Tori replied 

"Babe we will do what we need to do if it comes to it but right now we need to focus on you and our beautiful children and this one that's on  the way." I replied 

Tori nods then I gave her a kiss and we walked back to the house. We walked through the door and could hear everyone laughing. I walked into the living room and Leon was swinging Hope around and Adrian was on the floor play fighting with Theo. Me and Tori both started laughing and Tori laughed "you guys having fun" everyone looked at us and the kids shouted "mummy, daddy,"

We picked them up and Leon said "thank god your home, these two are hyper this afternoon," 

I started laughing and Tori said "thank you for having them for us,"

"Always" Adrian smiles 

We both smiled and they said there goodbyes and they left. I sat on the floor playing with Theo whilst Hope was having a cuddle with Tori. 

Hopefully we find out the results soon and we can move on with our lives cause right now I am so happy in this family. 

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