Part 9: Tori's in hospital

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Tori POV

Its been a few days since I pick Carter up from the police station, I've been talking to Carter but it hasn't been full of joy. I've been talking to him because of the kids, I know there not old enough to understand but I don't want them to see there mummy and daddy arguing all the time.

I was stood in the kitchen feeding Hope and Theo when Carter walked into the room, he said "I'm going to take Theo and Hope to the zoo today fancy coming?"

"No thanks, I'm going to do some shopping and clear my head for a bit, have fun," I reply

Carter went to say something but I cleaned the kids up and then Carter went to get them ready for the zoo. It would be nice for me to go but I really need to clear my head and do something for me for a change. Carter said he was leaving and then he left. I went upstairs and got ready and then I got into my car and I left to go to the shops.

Carter POV

I really wish Tori would start to talk to me again, I miss her in my arms and being able to kiss her when I want. I put Hope and Theo in the car and then we made our way to the zoo. It was 30 minutes later and we arrived, I put Hope in her pram and I put Theo on his little bike at the side of it, then we walked into the zoo.

Its been a couple of hours and we were getting some food, my phone started to ring so I pulled it out of my pocket, it was Adrian.

Me: Hey bro what's up?

Adrian: Carter where are you?

Me: At the zoo with the kids why?

Adrian: Get to the hospital NOW! Tori has been in a car crash!

I sat there not knowing what to do, my whole world has just come crashing down. I put the phone down and Adrian texted me which room she was in. I got the kids in the car and rushed to the hospital. About 30 minutes later I arrived, my mum and dad were waiting outside, they took the kids of me and I ran upstairs to find Tori. I got to the room and the doctor was just leaving, I saw all my brothers in the room around Tori's bed, I walked in and they all looked at me with bloodshot eyes. I walked slowly over to Tori's bed and Adrian said "Tori is in a coma, she was on her way home from the shops when a lorry was coming towards her and knocked her of the road, we don't know if she's going to wake up,"

I looked at Adrian and they all walked out the room apart from Leon, he walked over to me and I just fell to my seat. I can't lose Tori, she is the only person I love. We have been through so much. Leon sat next to me and he said "She's going to make it Carter, she's strong!"

"Leon, I can't lose her, she is the most amazing person in my life, I can't live without her," I reply

Leon patted my shoulder and then he walked out the room, I look out of the window and see Leon standing next to Emily. I interlocked my fingers with Tori and then I started to talk to her. I had a text of my mum saying the kids are staying with them for a few days which I am really grateful for. It just seems like time is slowing down and I don't know how to control it. I really hope I'm not going to lose Tori.

Leon POV

I really hope Tori pulls through, Carter can't live without her and I know that. Carter is all hard and tough on the outside but on the inside he's a softie. Tori is like a sister to me, seeing her in the hospital is breaking my heart. She means everything to me. I was looking through the window and Tori and Carter, seeing Carter like this is tearing us all apart, we've never seen him like this. I decided I was going to speak to the doctor and find out what was going on.

Emily interlocked her fingers with mine and leant her head on my shoulder. I just really hope Tori will be ok. 

Thank you for reading.

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