Part 13: Hope's first birthday

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Tori POV

I'm so excited, today is Hope's first birthday and I cant wait to see the look on her face when she sees all her presents. I went into the living room and finished getting all the decorations done, once I finished I walked upstairs to get dressed before both Theo and Hope woke up. I walked into the room and heard someone singing in the shower then I realised it was Carter, I giggled to myself then I got dressed and went into Hope's bedroom. I saw her sitting up smiling at her teddy, I say "Good morning beautiful,"

Hope giggled then I picked her up and said "Happy birthday baby girl,"

I gave her a kiss on the head and then I walked into Theo's room, I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked in, there was craft stuff everywhere, all on the walls and floor. I started to laugh and then Carter walked in, he stood and picked Theo up. Theo said "I'm sorry,"

We all start to laugh and then we went down stairs. We took the kids in the living room and Hope's face lights up. I smile at her then I put her down and she crawls over to all the presents. Carter said "These are all for you my little princess,"

Hope giggles then we help her to unwrap her presents. I left Hope with Carter whilst I went into the kitchen to set up some of the food ready for her party. Theo wanted to help me so I let him put crisps into the bowl, it was fun at first but then he decided he wanted to eat all of the crisps. I put him on the floor then he went outside onto the bouncy castle with Carter and Hope. There was a knock  on the door so I went and answered it, it was Leon and Emily with Adrian, Lilly and Toby. I smiled at them and then I let them in and they gave Hope her presents, she started giggling away to herself then I got everyone a drink.

After a while more people started to turn up at the party, everyone was smiling and enjoying themselves which I loved. I walked into the frontroom and put Hope's presents in there and then I made my way into the garden. I stood by Carters mum Hannah and she was smiling watching Carter play with the kids, she says "Y'know I'm so glad he's got you, you keep him on the straight and narrow and you make him a better person,"

"Well I do try, he means the world to me and I know the kids love him to pieces, if he's not home, Theo gets upset because he wants Carter to put him to bed," I reply "I don't want to lose him,"

Hannah gave me a hug and then her and Tom went down to play with the kids, Hope couldn't do much because she is only one and she's not steady on her feet yet. Hope was playing with Leon and Hannah. This looks like the most amazing family ever, we have all been through a lot and its nice to see everyone getting along and nothing going wrong.

I made my way inside to get some more drinks for everyone, I put them on the garden table then made my way over to Carter. I put my arms around him and nuzzled into his chest. Carter turned around and wrapped me in his arms, he says "everything ok baby?"

"Everything is fine, I just thought I'll come and give you a hug," I smile

Carter smiles then he gave me a kiss, I turned around and saw Theo playing with Hannah and Hope was sat on Toms knee. I smiled at them all and then me and Carter went and sat down with them.

Carter took Hope off Tom and placed her on his knee, Carter really does love these children, I've never seen him this happy with anyone or anything before. I just really hope it stays like this because honestly I don't know where I would be without him.

I know this part isn't that long and it might not be as good, but I'm trying to get ideas on what to do for my next parts. Thank you for being patient with me.

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