Part 12: I feel different

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Tori POV

So I am finally allowed home, its been a month since I woke up but they wouldn't let me go because the doctors weren't sure if I was going to go back into a coma or if I would stay awake. Carter came to collect me so I grabbed all my stuff and Carter took it off me then we checked out of the hospital, Carter helped me into the car and they we drove back home. Carter said "Are you glad to be going home?"

"Yeah, it'll be nice to sleep in my bed for once," I smile slightly

Carter laughs and then we made our way to the house in silence. A few minutes later we arrived at the house, Leon was stood in the doorway with the kids, I smiled at him and he came over and helped me out of the car whilst Carter grabbed my bags. I say "Hey good looking,"

Leon laughs and he said "Someone seems better,"

I grin and Leon gave me a hug, I look at Theo and noticed he is getting a big boy, I haven't really bonded with Hope, ever since my accident its like something has changed in me. I love Hope to pieces, she's my little girl but being with her and Theo has changed something inside of me and I really don't know what that is. Leon gave me Hope and I was giving her some cuddles, I fed her when we got inside then I put her in her bouncer whilst Carter and Leon was playing with the train track with Theo. I got up of the sofa and Carter rushed to his feet, he said "Let me help you, where are you going?"

"Carter I'm fine, I'm going to the toilet," I sigh

Ever since the accident Carter has been waiting on me hand and foot, don't get me wrong at first I thought it was sweet but now I'm getting tired of it and I want to start doing things on my own. I went to the toilet then I got my phone out of my bag. I texted Hannah.

Me: Hey Hannah you busy?

A few minutes later Hannah texted me back.

Hannah: Hey babygirl, no just trying to fix this dress I'm making why?

Me: Fancy meeting up, I need to get a way from Carter, he's driving me insane!

Hannah: I'll be there in 5 :L haha

I put my phone away and then I went back into the front room. The boys looked at me and I noticed Hope was sleeping in her bouncer, I got her out and put her in her carry cot and then I heard someone knocking on the front door, I went to answer it but Hannah walked into the room. I smiled at her and Leon said "Hey mum what you doing here?"

"I'm taking Tori out for a bit, get some fresh air," Hannah replies

"I'll come with," Carter said

"No Carter you stay here with Leon and watch the kids, we'll be back soon," Hannah smiled

I noticed Carter sigh but I grabbed my bag and slowly walked to the car with Hannah by my side, I say  "Thank you for this, I just needed to get out and have me time, y'know,"

"It's fine Tori, is Carter really driving you mad," Hannah laughs

"Yeah," I sigh "I love him to pieces and I know I was in a coma for so long and he's blaming himself but really I don't need him rushing to his feet every time I try to go to the toilet or when I want something to eat or drink,"

Hannah laughs slightly and she said "Y'know he's only doing it because he loves you and he doesn't want to see you in pain,"

"I know Han, but its getting to much," I reply

Hannah nods slightly and then she took us to a dessert place which she loves to go to called Kaspa's.

We were out for a few hours so we decided it was time for me to get home and stop advoiding Carter. I got home and Leon was still the with Adrian. Theo was asleep on the sofa and Hope was still snoozing in her carry cot. I smiled to myself and Hannah said "I best get going, text me if you need anything,"

I nod then I gave her a hug and I walked into the front room. Carter said "Have fun?"

"Yeah, Hannah took me to Kaspa's and then she bought me home," I reply

Carter nods and then he said "Can we talk?"

He walked out the room so I followed him into the kitchen. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about.

Carter POV

I feel like something is wrong with Tori. I'm trying everything to help her feel better but it looks like she doesn't want to get better because she is over doing it on everything. I know she said she's fine but sometimes I know her better than she knows herself. We walked into the kitchen and Tori said "What's up?"

"Tori what's going on with you. since getting out the hospital you've been different," I say

"Carter, I just want everything to go back to normal, you wont let me do anything unless your there, don't get me wrong at first it was sweet but now I just want to be back on my feet again," Tori said

I stood there not knowing what to say, Tori walked towards me and I said "I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was being like this, I will make it up to you, I promise,"

Tori looks at me, I bent down and gave her a kiss, she whispers "I love you,"

"I love you too," I whisper back

Tori smiles and then we went back into the front room with everyone. I hope everything will go back to normal. I know it takes time but time is what we've got.

Thanks for reading.

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