Part 5: Theo's birthday

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Tori POV

Today is Theo's birthday and we are throwing him a birthday party. I was currently in the kitchen preparing all the food.  All the food was ready so I went into the front room to see what the boys were up to. Carter was playing with Theo and the toys and Leon was led across the sofa  being lazy. I smiled at them all and I say "Theo, lets give you a bath before everyone starts to arrive. I picked him up and took him upstairs. I was in the bathroom washing Theo when I heard the front door bell. I shouted down for someone to get it and then I took Theo out the bath, dried him then put him in some fresh clothes. I walked downstairs and I heard voices in the living room, I walked in and noticed Carter's family  were in there, I gave everyone an hug and put Theo down on the floor. I am 6 months pregnant and I'm getting even more tired than before. Don't get me wrong I'm so happy it's Theo's birthday but all I want to do is sleep because I'm the only one whose organised this party.

I walked into the kitchen to get the food out and Hannah walked in after me, she asked "Everything ok baby girl?"

"Yeah, just tired. I've done this party all on my own and being pregnant doesn't help," I laugh

Hannah laughs and she said "Go and sit down, I'll sort this all out."

I smiled slightly then I walked into the front room and sat down. Adrian said " You ok Tori? You're very quiet?"

"Yeah I'm fine Adrian, just tired. Think it will be an early night tonight," I laugh

They all started to laugh then Carter came and sat next to me. Theo was playing with Lilly  on the floor and everyone else was laughing and having fun. It's hard to think that 4 years ago I didn't have any of this. I was living at home with Carter and his family because I lost my mum and dad. And now I have a family and a child of my own.

It was a couple of hours into the party and I started getting pains in my stomach, nothing should be wrong but it felt like it was. I looked down and I felt water dripping down my leg. I look at Carter and I say "Carter get me to the hospital, I'm in labour!"

Everyone looks at me and Carter said "But you still have 3 months to go,"

I stood up and Hannah picked Theo up, she was going to look after him for me. Carter helped me into the car and we rushed to the hospital. We got there and they put me into a room straight away. I pant "Carter she's not due yet, what if something is wrong?"

"Don't think about it yet baby, we will deal with what ever when it happens," Carter said

I started to push and then I gave birth to my little girl, they put her straight onto an incubator and then we had to wait and see what was going on.

I look at the nurses and I ask "What's happening?"

They all look at me and they said " She needs to stay on this incubator for the next 3 months because she is premature, we can dismiss you and let you go home but she needs to stay in for 3 months just so we can monitor her,"

I sat there with tears in my eyes, I look at Carter and he said "Lets call her Hope because that is what we need to get through this,"

I nod my head and then we stayed at the hospital longer just so we can see our little girl.

I just hope my little girl will get through this.

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