Part 6: My baby girl

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Carter POV

I am so scared, I cant eat, I cant sleep, all I want is my little girl to be home. I was currently getting ready to go back up to the hospital. Were bringing Theo with us this time so he can see his baby sister. Tori was already at the hospital so I was at home getting Theo ready. I got him dressed and then I quickly rang Tori and we got into the car. I started to drive and Theo was babbling to himself. I smiled through the mirror and I then put my eyes back onto the road.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. I got Theo out of his car seat and then I picked him up, locked the car then made my way up to see Hope and Tori. We got to the ward and they let us in straight away. I walked into the baby room and Tori was sat holding Hope's hand. I walked over to her and I said "How's my little princess today?"

"Apparently she's really healthy and if she keeps going this way, she will be out within know time," Tori smiled

I grinned and then Theo went and gave Tori a cuddle. I just hope everything will be ok and Hope will be with us in know time.

Tori POV

 I'm so happy Hope might be able to come home soon. She is the missing piece of the puzzle. I can tell Carter is scared but he doesn't like to show it, he tries to be the strong one for both of us. Carter sat down next to me and Theo was sat on my lap watching his baby sister. The nurse came over to us and smiled, she checked Hope over and she said "Would you like to hold her now? She's very healthy and she can come of the oxygen because she is breathing by herself,"

I look at Carter and I grinned, I say "Yes please,"

The nurse took Hope out of the incubator and she handed her to me, I held her in my arms just looking at her,  Carter had a big smile on his face. I gave Hope some more cuddles and I passed her to Carter. After a while we put her back down but this time they gave us another bed for her because she can breath on her own. The nurse was talking to us and I ask "When would we be able to bring her home?"

"Hopefully by the end of this week, we want to give her a few more tests and then she can come home if everything is ok," The nurse smiled

I smiled at her and then I noticed Theo getting tired. It was 3pm so we decided to go home and get something to eat. We got home, had some food and then we put Theo down for a nap. I was sat in the front room thinking about Hope when I got a phone call. I answered the phone and it was the hospital.

The nurse:  Hello is this Tori?

Me: Yes it is, may I help you?

The nurse: Yes its the nurse, I know I said you can take Hope home by the end of the week but she is really well so we want to know if you would like to bring her home today?

I sat there in shock, I smiled and said "Yeah we would!"

We finished talking then I told Carter what was going on, he got excited and then we sorted Theo out and we went to pick Hope up. I am so happy we get to bring her home.

Lets just hope everything will be ok.

Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think?

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