Part 18 Tori pregnant again

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Tori POV

I slowly open my eyes and at first my vision is blurry, I tried sitting up but I couldn't. I managed to open my eyes and I could see Carter and Leon staring at me with tears in both their eyes. I squeezed both their hands and they instantly look at me. I mumble "Where am I?"

"Oh my god Tori, your awake. Your in hospital," Carter said

"What happened?" I ask

Carter and Leon looked at each other and Leon said "Do you remember anything?"

"I remember seeing Stacey... oh no Hope, Theo where are they?" I start to panic

Carter put his hand on my shoulder and said "Babe, there fine, Theo is being picked up from nursery by mum and Hope is with dad whilst mum gets Theo,"

"Carter what is going on why am I in hospital?" I ask

"You saw Stacey and then you passed out, cant you remember?" Carter said

I shake my head and Leon looks at Carter, I knew something was wrong and no one was telling me anything. I sat up slightly and Leon said "I'll leave you both to it, I'm going to ring mum and let her know your awake,"

Leon walked out the door and Carter kissed the top of my head. He said "I was so worried about you,"

"Carter honestly I'm fine, I guess I was just in shock that Stacey was stood right in front of me. But what I don't understand is why I passed out, I was fine before I saw her," I reply

Carter's POV

I linked my fingers with Tori and I say "The reason you passed out isn't because of Stacey, maybe a little part was but it wasn't because of her..."

Tori looked at me confused and she said "But why..."

"Tori your seven weeks pregnant," I say

I saw Tori's face drop. I honestly couldn't tell if she was happy or not. She said "I can't be, are you sure?"

"Yeah the doctor ran some tests and it came back your seven weeks," I say

"Carter, are we going to manage with 3 children, your away a lot now, I don't think I can do it with 3 children," Tori panicked

I pulled Tori into my chest and I say "Babe, we can do this, your a wonderful mother and I will be with you every step of the way. I know I haven't been around much but I will make more of an effort."

I heard Tori sniffling so I knew she was crying but trying to hide it from me. I lift her head up and I say "Hey, were in this together,"

Tori leaned in and we shared a kiss. I pulled away and I said "I'm going to find the doctor to see when you can leave,"

I walked out the room to find the doctor.

Tori's POV

Oh my god I cannot believe that I am pregnant again. I love having a family with Carter I really do but can I really cope with three children on my own whilst Carter goes to work. I want to believe I can and I know I have the family to help me if I need it. 

Carter came back into the room and he instantly interlocked his fingers with mine. I look at him and his family walked into my hospital room with my two babies. I gave them both a hug and Hannah says "you had us worried again missy" 

"I'm sorry everyone, but this time it wasn't my fault," I smile slightly

They all look at me confused and Leon said "what du mean?"

Carter started smiling and he grins "Tori is pregnant again' she's 7 weeks" 

They all had shocked expressions on their faces. But then they started to congratulate us. 

I can honestly say my life is becoming more and more busier. 

I am so sorry I haven't posted in nearly a year or 2 years, I have been having severe writers block and I didn't know what I could be writing. 

If you have any ideas please give me a message and I will get back to them. 

Thank you for reading 😊

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