Part 8: Where's Carter?

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Tori POV

Its been a few days since Hope was allowed back out the hospital, I am really happy by that and she's still my strong little girl. Me and Carter wasn't really talking for a bit but 2 days ago he left to go to work and I haven't seen him since. I'm starting to get worried but I can't show it because of my kids. I've rang his mobile and I've called the family but they haven't seen him.

I was currently on the sofa whilst Hope and Theo were asleep, there was  a knock on the door so I got up and answered it, I opened the door and it was Leon. I smiled at him then I let him in. He asked "Have you heard from Carter?"

"No Le, I'm starting to get worried. Has he been to work?" I ask

"I honestly don't know hun, I haven't really been at work this week, I've been helping mum and dad sort Toby out because he's playing up at school," Leon replied

"Is he still playing up?" I wonder

"Yeah, he got excluded from school the other day because he punched a kid in the face," Leon replied

I shook my head and I sighed. I made us a drink and I noticed Leon was playing with Hope. I smiled to myself and I sat down. I heard my phone ringing and it was a unknown number, I answered it.

Me: Hello

Number: Hello is this Mrs Tori Smith

Me: Yes this is, who is this?

Number: Its the police, we were wondering if you could come down to the station?

Me: Yeah course, Whats going on?

Number: We will tell you when your here. Thanks

The phone went dead and I looked at Leon, I told him about the phone call and we got the children ready and we put them in the car, Leon came with me because I didn't want to go on my own.

We arrived at the police station and Leon stayed in the car with the children, I walked inside and I told the police officer about my phone call and they took me into a room. I was wondering about what was going on. I heard the door go and in walked Carter, he looked battered. I ran over to him and I said "Where the hell have you been, I've been worried sick about you?"

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm so so sorry," Carter replied

"Carter what have you done?" I ask

Carter looked at me and we sat down, he said "Tori, I was at work and had a phone call from Stacey, she said that some guy is trying to kill me, so I met up with Stacey and I was wacked around the head. I woke up and this guy was stood there with a gun, we got into a fight and the gun went off and...Tori he's dead."

I sat there in shock, why didn't Carter talk to me about this. I look at him and I said "But it wasn't your fault,"

"I know, the police no it wasn't but they had to bring me in and your the only person I wanted to see," Carter replied "Wheres the kids?"

"With Leon in the car," I reply

"Why is he here?" Carter asked

"Because I didn't want to come on my own," I snapped

I stood up and Carter kept apologising, we walked out the police station and got into the car, Leon kept asking questions and Carter was answering them. I sat there in silent, I didn't know what to say. Leon kept looking at me but I kept my eyes on the road.

What is going on with my family, how am I meant to keep my children safe?

Thank you for reading

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