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     "How was your night last night?" Corena asked me as I walked into history class. 

"It was fine. I did nothing, like usual." I replied and put my face between my hands. 

"Tired?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, of people." I scoffed. 

"People? Like who?" She smirked, knowing the answer to her own question. 

"Mostly Josh." I replied. 

"Dumbass asking for pictures again?" 

"Yes, God I'm so sick of it. When is he going to realize I'm not like that." 

"Hopefully you'll find a guy that doesnt ask for shit." She nudged me.

"Hopefully." The bell rang, signalling the end of the day. I walked home every day and it was early June. My last day of school was a week away. As I was walking home, I heard footsteps behind me, thinking nothing of it, I turned into my driveway and went into my house. Eager to sleep the weekend away. Logging onto Facebook, I sat on my bed. I liked a couple posts, added some random people, and posted a status about how fed up I was with Josh.

 'I am sick of you asking for pictures of me. When are you going to realize I'm not like that! Stop. Perv!!'


 "Bye Zayn. I'll see you tomorrow?" Jade said as she walked down the stairs of my house. I shrugged and walked down the stairs behind her, holding the door open for her. 

 "Depends on what I feel like doing." I winked and smacked her ass while she walked out the door. When she was gone, I went upstairs, grabbed my iPad and logged into Facebook. Some girl had added me so I decided to go look at her profile. She posted mostly about Hollywood Undead and cats. I laughed. I looked at a few of her pictures. 

 "Damn. She's really cute. I'd date the hell out of her." I said out loud. I kept looking around her profile and I saw her most recent post. 

 'I am sick of you asking for pictures of me. When are you going to realize I'm not like that! Stop. Perv!!'

Reading that, I decided to send her a quick message. 

Zayn: Hey, if you ever want to talk to someone, I'm a really good listener. 

About a minute later, she replied.. 

Cheyanne: Did you see my post or something? It's about my ex. We still like eachother but we'll never get along like we used to. 

Zayn: I feel ya. My ex hates me but I love her. Well I used to. We kind of stopped talking. You know, you're really gorgeous. Don't think of me as a creep or anything, but I'd love to get to know you.

Cheyanne: Thats cute.. Only time will tell. Pretty boy. 

Zayn: Tell me about yourself. 

Cheyanne: You first. 

Zayn: I'm in a band, One Direction if you've heard of them. I'm just trying to enjoy the rollercoaster that is life. 

Cheyanne: Wow you sound like a fucking hippy! XD 

Zayn: Ruuude!! I'm very mainstream! 

Cheyanne: Haha! That's what you think, Hippy. 

Zayn: What's your digits? I wanna text you. 

Maybe that was a little blunt. Oops.

Cheyanne: How come?? 218-***-****. 

Zayn: I'm 651-***-****

Cheyanne: You never told me why, hippy. 

Zayn: For me to know and you to find out, gorgeous. 

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