Good Evening, Mr. Malik

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Every single time I come here, I swear we're sleeping. I gently shook Zayn so that he could answer the relentless pounding at the door.

"Zayn, someone's here."

"Ugh.. Fine." He got up and pulled a pair of sweatpants on. He walked down the stairs and I tried to listen to the person at the door by creeping to the top of the stairs.

"Good Evening, Mr. Malik. I'd like to inform you of a complaint." The voice said sternly.

"What kind of complaint?" I crept slowly down the stairs more to hear better.

"It seems we have had some reports that your bar does not have a license to sell alcohol. We need to take action immediately."

"Um, there must be some mistake. I have the license to sell alcohol right here at my home." Zayn boasted proudly.

"We're going to need to see it." The voice said. Since my dad was a cop, I was trying to hide myself in case he was one of the ones here. I crept more down the stairs to peek around the corner.

"Sure. Right this way to my office. No problem." Zayn said, as they turned toward me, I noticed my fathers unique pin on his shoulder pad and I knew I was fucked. I turned to run back up the stairs, slipping and falling directly out onto the hardwood, right where my father could see me.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"Cheyanne Grace. What the fuck are you doing!?" My dad yelled at me.

"Um.. I-I was visiting Zayn." I stood up and pulled Zayn's oversized t-shirt over my legs since I had no pants on.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? You're fifteen fucking years old. You're certainly not old enough to hang out with him!" He pointed a stubby finger at Zayn.

"Sir, Why don't we go look at that license." Zayn laughed nervously.

"When we get back out here, you're coming with us." My dad scolded me. Zayn led them to the office as I went to go get pants on and grab the rest of my things. Zayn appeared in the doorway after not too long.

"Hey.." He grumbled.

"Hi.. I shouldn't have been eavesdropping." I put my head down as I felt tears form.

"Hey.. Hey. It's okay. I'll find a way to see you. Don't you worry. You just need to make sure," he tilted my chin up so I was looking at him, "that they get to know and love Harry. Okay?" I nodded.

"I will find a way Chey. Don't you worry. Ever. Nobody will keep us apart. That is a promise I am making to you right now." He kissed me softly.

"My dad's going to hate me now, all because of this." I let a tear fall. Zayn wiped it with his thumb.

"You know what baby, I'll figure that out as it plays out. Don't you worry about anything." I nodded.

"Okay.. I better go.." I pulled away from his grasp and started to walk down to where my father was.

"Come on, young lady." He walked out the door first. I got in the back of their squad car like I've done a million other times.

"Chey, you have to understand where I'm coming from as a parent." My dad started to say.

"Mmhhmm.." I replied.

"He's too old for you." He scoffed.

"He's not even the one I was there to see." I sighed, trying to focus his attention to the curly haired man I had been with earlier.

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