No Control

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Again, I sat awake and watched her sleep. I can't believe I got to fuck her last night. Holy shit she was fucking squirming for me. Her eyes gently fluttered open.

"What time is it?" She questioned as she was yawning.

"Six in the morning. Go back to sleep beautiful." She slowly sat up.

"No. This is the time I'm used to waking up every day for school." Her eyes got super wide. "Ah, fuck. I've missed school for like three days. My parents didn't even say anything."

"Maybe they don't care." I laughed.

"They hate that I won't drop out like them. Whatever, it's only three days. I just have to go back tomorrow then."

"Tomorrow's Saturday babe."

"Oh." She sighed in defeat and threw herself back on the pillows.

"You're too adorable."

"Shut up." She whacked me with a pillow.

"Oh don't even start that shit. It's not going to end well baby." She whacked me again. I pinned her wrists down as gently as I could without hurting her, but still holding her down and I got on top of her. I kissed her lips hard and she kissed back immediately. What was this woman doing to me?


"Zayn, Can I.. tell you... nevermind.." I stuttered. I was about to say I loved him but it's too early. Plus I have Harry in my life as well and who knows, maybe Harry will be the one.

"What baby?" I shivered.

"I lost my train of thought," I lied, "I can't remember."

"Oooookay well, if you remember, tell me." I nodded at him. I ran my fingers through his hair after he had let go of my wrists. He was so perfect. How could he be interested in someone like me?

"I love you." He whispered. Holy shit. What the fuck do I say to that?

"I love you too, Zayn." He kissed me again.

"Well, we better get up. I gotta go open the bar and I can't bring you with me there yet."

"You open your bar this early?" He nodded. I guess I'd just go home then.

"I'll bring you to Harry's so you don't have to sit here by yourself," he was willingly going to bring me to the next guy I was planning to have sex with? Wow that's weird, "but don't fuck him. I'll find out if you do." Spoke too soon.

"Yeah yeah. It's not like we're dating so who cares who I fuck." I rolled my eyes. He grabbed my face.

"I care. Because you are mine and that's final." The words just flew over my head but I nodded as if I was agreeing.

"Good. Now get up and get dressed." He got off of me and got dressed himself. I did the same. We walked down to the kitchen and I remembered my phone was laying on the floor by the couch. I picked it up, preparing myself for all the mean texts from my dad. Surprisingly, there was no notifications.

"Ready?" Zayn's voice startled me as I was scrolling through Facebook for a few minutes.

"Yep." I slid my vans on and walked out the door. It was such a nice day out. The smell of lilac flowers flooded my nose as I walked over to the expensive Rolls Royce sitting in the driveway. I got in and so did Zayn. He rested his hand on my thigh once we started driving.


It was so quiet you could hear the crunching of gravel under my tires as I drove her to my best friends house. Something inside me begged for her. I wanted to stop the drugs and drinking for her. But she said it herself. We aren't dating so who cares what happens. I felt as if I had fucked up by telling her I loved her earlier. Way too soon, dummy.

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