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(Listen to the song; Be Alright by Dean Lewis while reading this chapter. I promise you won't be disappointed)


"Babe?" I said into the phone as soon as Cheyanne answered.

"Yeah?" She said, obviously not knowing something was wrong.

"I messed up, Chey.." I started. I had full intentions to tell her what I had done.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I-I um.." I stuttered. She's going to cry.. I know she's going to fucking cry. God Zayn, you're so stupid.

"What happened?" She pushed.

"I-I slept with someone.." My voice broke. I waited to hear the yelling and crying. Nothing.

"You.. what??" She said in disbelief.

"I had sex with-" She cut me off.

"Yeah. I know what it meant." She said with a shaky tone.

"Chey, baby, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. That's why I told you right away." I chewed on my bottom lip.

"I-I'm not sure what you want me to say.. Okay?" I could hear her voice crack.

"Chey, honey.. It didn't mean anything. I'm dating you and it's not going to happen again."

"Yeah.. Um.. You're right. It's not going to happen again. I'm not going to, um, put myself into this situation again. I'll, um, I'll see you whenever I guess. Bye."

"I love you.." I spoke softly.

"Yeah.. Weird way of showing it though. I gotta go." She hung up before I could get another word out. I threw my phone down.

"God fucking dammit." I put my head in my hands as my eyes became wet. I don't fucking cry over people but this woman did something to me I just didn't understand. I truly actually fucking love her. I wanted to call back. To lie to her and say it was all a fucking sick joke because I'm so high I can't think. I hadn't even done any drugs this whole fucking time she's been in my life. What in the fuck did I fucking do.


"I love you.." He sounded like he was about to cry.

"Yeah. Weird way of showing it though. I gotta go." I hung up the phone and turned towards Harry.

"What happened?" He questioned.

"I-I have no fucking idea.." I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. Harry had been invited to my parents house to meet them and we had dinner with my parents and siblings, we were currently in my room, talking when I got the call.

"Well, what did he say?" His emerald eyes filled with concern.

"He, um, told me that he slept with someone else." I stared at the blanket in front of me.

"Did he say who?" I shook my head and felt a couple tears fall.

"No, he just.. told me it didn't mean anything and that it just happened." I put my knees to my chest and felt more tears silently fall.

"Hey.. You know what, this is just a roadblock in your relationship. You guys will be happy again as soon as you see him again. You know that just as well as I do." He lifted my chin so I was looking at him.

"No.. I-I don't want to be happy with someone like him. I can't be. I don't know what to do.." I put my head back down as he sighed.

"I'm going to go talk to your mum. Just stay here, okay?" He brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I nodded as he disappeared out of the room. We hadn't even dated for a whole day and Zayn had already cheated on me. I'm not planning to stay with him after this. He can't control himself literally hours after I leave, how will he control himself any other time? Harry reappeared in my room, grabbed my bag and started throwing random clothes in it.

"I'm taking you to come spend a few nights with me. Zayn can come properly explain himself or if you don't want him to, I'll just tell him we're not there. I'm doing this strictly as a friend as of right now, it is completely up to you if you want to take it any further." I nodded and folded my favorite blanket to take with me. We walked out of my room and down to his car. The drive to his house was completely silent as I stared out the window and cried to myself.

"Fuck." He put the car in park. I looked up to see Zayn standing at his car.

"I'll get rid of him." Harry started to get out of the car.

"No. I will." I got out and walked to Zayn so we were quite some distance apart.

"Chey, baby.." I held a hand up.

"Don't," I said sternly, "I'm not doing it, Zayn. We haven't been together for a full day and you've already proven that you are just like my ex. I don't trust you, I don't see how I could." I tried my best to stay strong.

"It wasn't like that." He rolled his eyes.

"No? Well then explain to me how you just randomly were in bed with another girl, having sex with her. Please, by all means, explain that to me, because I'd love to hear it." He stared at the ground because I had just rendered him speechless.

"I-I.." He stuttered.

"Yeah.. I thought so. Please just leave. I can't be near you."

"Can you please just think about what you're throwing away?" He begged.

"About what I'm throwing away? You threw it away, Zayn. You did. I'm not the one that was in bed with someone else. I was there introducing Harry to my parents so I could see you! I was trying. Just fucking leave." I went to walk past him, hoping Harry would grab my bag for me, Zayn grabbed my wrist and slammed me up against his car.

"You don't fucking understand," He yelled in my face, "I have never loved anyone. I have never felt these feelings about anyone in my entire fucking life. You got me to stop doing drugs without trying. I want to be better for you! You don't fucking get it! I'm not the kind of person that falls in love, but you.. You fucking do something to me that makes me absolutely crazy. I haven't stopped thinking about you since you walked into my bar. What am I supposed to do!?" I felt the tight grip he had on both of my wrists.

"I-I.." I felt more tears fall as Harry appeared next to us.

"Let her go." He said sternly.

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