Sweet Relief

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(Please enjoy guys, this took me a week to write)

Zayn: Hey..

Cheyanne: Hey, sorry I got offline so quickly.. Your words just freaked me outa little bit.

Zayn: I know, it's way too early for any of that and I'm really sorry. That isn't how I wanted it to go. Don't just get offline like that. I'll understand without you doing that.

Cheyanne: I don't know what to say to you right now hippy. I just need time to think I guess.

Zayn: Why? What did I do? You're blowing this way out of proportion. You'reacting like I shot up in front of you. I just said I could see myself dating you in the future. Do you always over-react like this?

Cheyanne: I gotta go bye.

Cheyanne Beckett is now offline.

"Oh my fucking god." I mumbled to myself. What am I getting myself into with this woman? There was a very slight knock on my door, I got up from my computer to check it out. When I opened the door, I saw my best friend Harry with his hands in his pockets.

"Sup, fucker?" He said as he stepped in, I shut the door behind him.

"Nothing. I've been talking to this chick on Facebook and it's literally such a load of bullshit." I roll my eyes at the thought of her as I sit at the table.

"Really? Aren't you dating Jade?"

"Well sorta, I mean she thinks we're in some serious relationship but in reality I'm using her to score coke. Her dealer has some good shit dude."

"Speaking of dope, I have something new for us to try." He gives an evil smirk and pulls a bag of beige powder out of his pocket along with a spoon and needle.

"Heroin? Really?"

"Not just heroin. It's Mexican Tar Heroin. Supposed to be the best." He sat across from me and heated up the powder on the spoon.

"Woah dude, I dont shoot up. I snort. Plus sharing needles is a really bad thing to do." He laughs at my attempt to be responsible.

"I brought a needle for you. Shooting up is how you get the most intense high."

"Fine. But I have no idea how to do it."

"I'll show you. Roll up your sleeves," I did as he asked of me. "this is probably going to hurt and feel like an icy burn, also, you might throw up." He grabs a trash can and puts it in front of me.

"Ready?" I said nervously.

"Ready. On my count. 1.. 2.. 3.. Shoot." We both injected the poison into our biggest arm vein. When it was all injected, I closed my eyes to stop myself from instantly puking.

"Well? How do you feel?"

"Like my life is ending.."

3 hours later.

Cheyanne: Hey, I'm ready to try talking again.

Cheyanne: I can see that you're online hippy.

Cheyanne: Okay, you dont want to talk. I guess I get it.

Zayn: Oh my god seriously? I can't think right now and you're going to sit here and blow up my messages.

Cheyanne: I'm not blowing anything up. You wanted to talk to me now I'm trying to and you're being an asshole.

Cheyanne: Now you're going to sit there and accuse me of blowing your shit up when this is apparently what you wanted.

Cheyanne: Fucking asshole.

Zayn: I'm high off heroin right now ok? Calm the fuck down and stop blowing my shit up. This is how you get people to not like you.

Zayn Malik is now offline.

Cheyanne: This is bullshit, because I'm developing feelings for you and you're acting like you don't even care. Bye hippy.

I figured out how to type on my boyfriend's laptop and then just copy it onto here then just publish it! I've been writing a lot recently and I think it's really coming along. I have a lot of motivation for this story (except chapter names, if you guys have suggestions please tell me im stuck asf) anyway, im working on the next chapter. it might take me a while to finish but its ok lol i hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. I'm having a lot of fun writing this.

Until next time..


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