Love I Couldn't Remember

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I sat awake, watching her sleep. After driving around aimlessly, I decided to just bring her to my house. I carried her inside, put her in some of my pajamas, and let her sleep in my bed. I didn't sleep next to her because I knew she wouldn't remember anything but waking up in a strangers bed. She stirred, her gorgeous eyes fluttering open.

"Where am I?" She asked me.

"My place. You fell asleep before giving me directions to your house so I improvised and brought you here."

"Oh.. Well.. I don't know if it's appropriate for me to be here.." She smirked an evil grin and reached for me.

"You're not thinking clearly. I really don't want to get carried away..." She put on a pouty face. I sighed and got into bed next to her. She wrapped one leg around my waist and put her head on my chest.

"Baby.." I kissed her forehead softly. So soft, I don't even think she felt it.

"Hmm.." She hummed in response, closing her eyes again and drifting off to sleep.


I was woken up by loud yelling and the sound of a woman crying.

"Jesus Zayn what the fuck were you thinking!?"

"We're not in a relationship, Jade. You have no fucking right to be a bitch about this." Zayn yelled at the woman.

"I fucking can't believe you!" I heard glass shattering

"Fuck you! Get out!"

"Whatever Zayn! I hope you're really happy with the ugly bitch upstairs! Laying in OUR bed!" I heard some kind of slapping sound I really hoped he didn't just hit a woman.

"I-I... We're through!" After that the door slammed shut. I watched out the window as the skinny blonde girl ran to her car. She drove out fast and almost hit the mailbox. I sat in his bed waiting for him to maybe come upstairs and explain what happened. I heard footsteps and I pretended to be sleeping again.

"Jesus fucking- oh shit and she's still sleeping.." He muttered to himself. I opened my eyes slowly.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. I think I'm gonna um.. bring you home.." Oh.. well that's not what I expected..

"Oh. Um. Okay.. That's fine." I got up and searched for my clothes. Finding them, I walked into the bathroom to change. His house was beautiful from what I saw of it. He definitely looks like he owns that bar.

"I'm sorry I'm such a fuck-up Jade. I'll come pick you up in a few hours." I heard him through the door. Must be on the phone with the woman he probably just assaulted..

"Yes baby. I love you." Silence. I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Okay, I'm ready." He stood up and walked to the door.

"Look, hippy, I really am sorry for getting so fucked up last night. I don't remember anything from last night." He chuckled softly.

"It's okay. I don't expect you to remember with how strong I unintentionally made that drink for you." I looked at him.

"Yeah.. Unintentionally.." He laughed. The whole ride home I was picturing things that could have gone wrong, overthinking every scenario.

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