The Man I Once Wanted

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"Get dressed, Cheyanne. We're leaving now." To avoid the fight I was going to have to experience, I listened to Zayn. I don't know why I was listening to him but it was nauseating. Also kind of hot. Why was I in love with him. Oh God I fucked up so bad by having sex with Harry. I just know that I fucked up.

"Yes, Zayn.."

"Chey, you don't have to listen to him in my house. He isn't your fucking parent." Harry scoffed. Zayn stomped over to Harry's side of the bed and raised a fist to him.

"Go ahead. Not like you've never hit me before." Harry laughed at Zayn.

"Zayn.. Please don't.. Please just stop.. Let's just go, okay?" He put his fist down.

"You're fucking lucky, Styles." Zayn grabbed my wrist as soon as I was dressed and dragged me out to the car.

"God! You don't have to drag me! I know how to fucking walk!" I yelled at him. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me.

"Don't fucking yell at me like that again. You have a lot of explaining to do."

"I have a lot of explaining to do!? What about you!? You barged into the mans home and ruined our whole time together!" I screamed in Zayn's face

"You told me you wouldn't fuck him and you fucking did! How can I trust you now!?" He yelled right back in mine.

"If you weren't so fucked up and controlling, I would be able to fuck whoever I want without you being in the fucking way like a.. like... a fucking vulture!" He raised his hand like he was going to slap me but put it down right away.

"What'd you get that from Harry? He calls me a vulture all the fucking time. Get in the fucking car. Now. I'm not asking you anymore." I got into the backseat so I wouldn't have to be near him.

"Really?" He scoffed while getting into the drivers seat.

"I'm in the fucking car, aren't I?" He didn't say anything. He just whipped out of Harry's driveway. I stared out the window. He was treating me so badly. What the fuck. He must be on drugs or something. I started crying softly. I leaned my head against the window, hoping he wouldn't hear me cry. He pulled into his own driveway and turned back to look at me. Obviously, you could tell I had been crying the whole way there.

"Are you going to come in?" I shrugged.

"I don't fucking know." I gave him attitude. Not giving a fuck if he got more pissed at me.

"Fine. Stay out here and freeze. I don't give a fuck." He spit back. I put my hood up and cried some more. He didn't get out of the car.

"Cheyanne, listen.." He started.

"Please don't. You've yelled at me enough. I'm just going to sit here. I'm fine.." I cried more.

"Chey, honey, please. Come in. I'll let you have the whole bed to yourself. I'll log onto Netflix for you and make you snacks. Come on babygirl. I love you. I want you to be happy." I sniffled. I could tell he was really trying.

"Fine.." I got out of the car and walked up to the door. Not looking at Zayn at all.

"Thank you baby." He sighed a breath of relief.

"Yeah.." I crossed my arms over my chest as he unlocked the door. I put my bag on the couch and immediately walked up to his bedroom, after grabbing the softest blanket he had in his house. I took my pants off and got in his bed in just my hoodie and underwear. He sat on the edge of the bed and started getting Netflix going for me.

"Zayn.. Can I have one of your shirts? This hoodie is too much.." I said softly.

"Of course baby." He grabbed a shirt out of his hamper and threw it onto the bed. I grabbed it and put it on, throwing my hoodie in the corner.

"What kind of snacks do you want?" He asked while handing me the remote so I could choose a show to watch.

"Hm.. Popcorn, Nacho Doritos, and Oreos. And a big glass of milk with it." I listed off. I was hungry and I love watching movies and eating.

"As you wish, my love." He disappeared down the hallway. I turned on Doctor Strange to watch because I love Marvel movies. About halfway into it, Zayn appeared with hot popcorn, doritos and oreos.

"Ooh!" I exclaimed as I sat up.

"Ah fuck me, I forgot the milk. I'll be right back." He set all the snacks down and disappeared again. I immediately started eating the popcorn. Zayn came back with a huge glass of cold milk and set it on the nightstand.

"Alright. I'll leave you to it." I looked up from my movie and stared at him.

"You're not going to watch it with me?" I asked him

"I didn't know you wanted me to. Of course I will. But only if you share your snacks with me."

"Keep your mitts off the popcorn and milk and we have a deal." I smirked at him. He laid in bed next to me after shutting the light off and turning on the array of colorful lights throughout the room. They set the mood nicely. After the movie was done, I let him pick one and he picked Thor. I was pleased. I finished my snacks and milk and curled up next to Zayn.

"Hi." I looked up at him.

"Hey." He replied back.

"I want to live with you." I said softly as I slowly started to fall asleep.


"I want to live with you." Wow.. She really said that. I wasn't sure what to say at that moment.

"Really?" I looked at her to find her fast asleep. I laughed softly and continued to watch the movie I had picked out.

"I love you Chey." I kissed her head softly. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend when we wake up. I don't remember falling asleep, but I know I did so while holding her hand.

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