≈Chapter XIII :

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~Los Angeles,

•06/28 {Sunday, 11:00 A.M}

~*~ Docia ~*~

"Yemi, please stop crying...I don't like seeing you getting upset like that. Fuck him and his bullshits. Ryver and you are going to be just fine."

"No, we're not, D." She sniffed and wiped her face with a napkin, "Ryver is unhappy without his father and if my baby is not happy, I'm not either. It's hurting my heart to see him so disappointed. He doesn't deserve it. Yes, he gets himself in trouble a little bit too much sometimes, but he's not a bad person..." She broke down more and I wrapped her back into my arms, trying to console her the best I could. I hate to witness that tragedy. My best friend was an amazing woman and my nephew --even if he wasn't always easy-- was an awesome young boy, and I wanted both of them to stop worrying about that fucked man and start to enjoy a bit their lives. They had so much to achieved and so many dreams to realize; and they didn't need that bastard for doing all of that. If he didn't want to be involved, nobody could force him, so it was better to just let him go. 

But it was easier said than done. 

After all, Ryver's father was an important person in their heart. He was Yemi's first love and she fell hard, like very hard, for him. I wasn't sure, but I thought she still had strong feelings for him. And on the other hand, we have Ryver, who was a lost pre-teen and so needed a male guidance in his life. Unfortunately, Yemi's family was little and all the members she had the chance to have once in her life, died or left somewhere without leaving a trace behind them. On my part, I was in the same situation. 

I had nobody, except these two and they had nobody, except me.  

"Shh...It's okay...God is above, protecting us...Please, stop worrying so much. Ryver is smart and talented, he'll be alright." 

"You think ? "

I nodded, "I'm sure." 

"I just wanted him to find happiness, to be completely fine."

"He will be." 

I still couldn't believe what happened though. Ryver had waited all day for his father to come to get him. We wanted to organize a little get-together with his friends, but he refused since his father told him --no, promise him-- that they were going to spend the entire day together. But it unfortunately never happened. 

We set some little things in case he would change his mind anyways, but the birthday party consisted of Yemi, the birthday boy and myself. But that, wasn't one of his worries. He was just focus on this day he was going to spend with his father.

The poor boy got ready in time; he was so excited and had a lot of plans in his mind for this day to be very special. He didn't want to eat, because they were supposed to go to eat breakfast and lunch together. He didn't open the gifts we got him, because he was so happy to be able to be with his father. He stayed from eight in the morning to midnight, on the couch, waiting for his dad to come to get him and it never happened. 

Five minutes after midnight, he stood up and went in his room without a word said. We decided to give him space for two days and it was so awful to see him...mourning around like someone actually died. What wasn't the case at all. 

Well, nobody was dead, except his hopes. 

"Yes, my Ryver will be a star. And this bastard better not show up once his ''son'' will be successful, acting like he was there during all his life." She said shaking her head. 

I chuckled, "Like in the Meet The Browns movie ? " 

"Yes ! That's exactly what I was talking about ! If he does that, I hope he'll be shamed like the father in the movie." She joined me in my chuckles, wiping her tears away.

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