The Notebook

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Everyday there is this guy who sits on the bridge near my house.

A simple stone bridge that everyone takes for granted. Not me though. It is just another thing that fuels my imagination; and that guy just became a part of it.

That dark hair, brown eye, tan boy who is always sitting on the ledge of the bridge. And what does he do? I barley know myself. All I know it has something to do with that notebook.

A baby blue notebook that he always has with him. A simple notebook that everyone overlooks. Not me though.

Just imagine! He could be writing a novel! Or maybe doing homework.

Or! Or! Is a spy and doing top secret stuff with it!

All those possibilities I can get just by taking the time of day to pay attention to that guy who is always on the bridge and let my imagination run wild!

Though, it has started to get to me. I really want to know what is in the notebook! I mean, come on! He has come to that bridge everyday since the start of school to just sit on the ledge of a bridge and take a hour to write in a simple baby blue notebook that I am freaking out over!

My friends say I get obsessed over the littlest of things. Maybe I do, but I have been watching this guy for 2 months.

Stalkerish. I know. But I want to find out what he is doing before he stops coming due to the snow and cold weather.

With that in mind, instead of just imagining what could be in that book I started imagining different scenarios to get the notebook.

After a week I finally got my chance. I was hiding in the bushes close to the bridge. Since I live really close to the bridge I got there before him.

So here I was eating pretzels and listening to music when I should be doing my homework, hiding in a bush watching a teenage boy write in a baby blue notebook.

I believe I have hit a new low.

After what felt like forever, but was actually a hour he left. When he went to put the notebook into the bag he missed and it dropped to the ground instead.

The boy walked away not realizing what he had lost; and what I had gained. The notebook I have been trying to get for a week now.

As soon as I say him turn a corner I scurried out of the bushes leaving my pretzels behind and my headphones around my neck. I hurried up on to the bridge and picked up that baby blue notebook.

My hands shock from excitement from the treasure I had gotten. I slowly opened up to the first page of the notebook I wanted to know what was in it so badly.

And there scribbled on the first page was the guy's name who I have been watching so long.

Sam Wren.

The name seemed so perfect for him.

I carefully turned the page to see what I have waited so long for. I scanned the words written; hungrily devouring everything.

Soon the words sunk into me and I realized what they meant. I turned the next page to see the same idea on that page too. I quickly flipped through ignoring the chance that it could rip, because I finally realized what he was writing in this baby blue notebook.


Some were poems and some were observations. Sketches thrown across the paper here and there of me.

The guy I always watched that sat on the ledge of the bridge near my house for an hour everyday writing in a baby blue notebook loved me.

Pounding of feet came towards with panting mixed in.

I turned around to see the guy who owns this notebook. Sam Wren.

He stopped a few feet from me with hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. He lifted his head and froze. His eyes darted from me to the baby blue notebook. Realization dawned upon him.

The owner of the notebook stood up straight and looked at me.

"So you know now." Sam decided.

Wind blew past ruffling my straight brown hair and his black hair.

"I guess this is good as any time to tell you." He admitted.

I stood still clutching the baby blue notebook that was the cause of all this.

"Amy," Sam started. "Ever since 8th grade I have liked you. I was new to the school and you showed me around the school. Even though you were assigned to I couldn't help liking you for it. That was the start for my love for you."

My mouth opened a little trying to form words.

So it's the same guy. He changed.

"I was happy with just watching you, but now that you have seen the book it was the right time to tell you." Sam confessed. "And I am hoping you can tell me how you feel about me."

I thought back to all times I sat watching him and I realized I feel in love with him without even knowing.

Sam stood before me hoping I would accept his feelings and I held his heart showing how much he liked me.

And I said the words that would change everything.

"I like you too Sam." I replied.

We stood there in silence for what felt like forever and the wind playing with us.

Sam's blue eyes widened.

I know this is high school and it won't last forever, but I am happy living in the present. Maybe I should keep a notebook too. Who knows what could happen then.

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