Animal King

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"Time to wake up Kaiya!" Mom yells.

I slowly rise up in my bed and rub my eyes. I blink a few times to adjust my eyes.

That can't be...

I blink a few more times making sure I'm seeing right.

There's a boy on top of me! And bugs and mice!

I open my mouth to scream, but the boy quickly covers it with his hand.

"Hmmmm!" I scream through his hand.

He put a finger to his lips signaling me to be quiet. I glared at the red haired boy with pale skin.

A foreigner?

"Is everything okay Kaiya?" My mom calls.

He took his hand away and motion his head towards my mom's voice.

"Y-yeah!" I reply.

I try to not look at the animals on my bed and turn back to the boy. I stare at him in the eyes.

He looks like Isamu. Where is Isamu?

"Isamu!" I yell.

I stare expectedly at the door, but he doesn't come. I look back at the boy.

He looks like Isamu. But how can he be Isamu? He looks my age.

"Isamu?" I whisper.

"Yeah." He says.

My eyes widen and I silently scream. Isamu cover my mouth again.

"I will explain all this to you on the way to school, but first get dressed." Isamu tells me.

He gets off me and sits on the bed; Isamu stares at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Aren't you going to change?"

"Get out!"

"It hasn't been the first time."

My face heats up.

"I thought you were a dog!"

"Relax. It was only once and you were facing the other way."


I drag him to the door and push him out. I close the door behind him.

I glance at the animals still on my bed.

Are they human too?

I grab my middle school uniform and other things; I open the door to see Isamu the dog there. I stare wide eye at him.

Wasn't he...? What?!

I sigh and walk towards the bathroom. I go in and close the door behind me. I turn around to see a whole bunch of bugs.

I feel sick.

I turn back towards the door and silently change. I grab a brush and fix my hair then leave.

Isamu is waiting for me. I quickly look away and head towards the kitchen. Mom is busy talking on the phone.

I grab the toast she set out for me and leave the house with my bag in hand. Isamu sneaks out with me; somehow he got a boy's school uniform.

"How...?" I start.

"I have been preparing for this day."

We walk down the street together towards school. A lot of animals are trailing us.

"What's with the animals?" I ask.

"They're attracted to you."

My eyes widen.

"Attracted to me?!"

"You smell nice to them."

Smell... Nice?

"Can you explain?" I press.

"Well, your the animal king."

"What?!" I screech.

Isamu plugs his ears.

"Calm down Kaiya." Isamu sighs.

"Animal king?!"

"Yes. As the animal king you release an smell that is pleasant to them which causes them to follow you. It starts during puberty." He explains.

"How does that explain why you're a human?!"

"I had to transform into a dog to watch over you. I'm supposed to protect you from people who want your power and dangerous animals that can transform like me."

I start using my hands to wipe at my clothes.

"I don't want it!"

Isamu unplugs his ears.

"You can't get rid of it unless you are cut open."

I stop walking and freeze. Isamu looks back at me.

"It's fine Kaiya. I will protect you. Soon you will also be able to control this power so you don't attract so many animals." Isamu assures.

I stare at my once dog now human with red hair that is willing to protect me.

"Thanks." I smile.

"We have to hurry if we want to get to school on time."

I jog to catch up with him.

"You're going to school with me?"

"Of course. I need to protect you."

"Thanks Isamu."

We manage to get to school on time and Isamu end up transferring into my class.

"This is Inu Isamu." Sensei introduce. "He is from Kyoto and is staying with the Kingu family."

"Please take care of me." Isamu bow.

"Kingu is lucky."

"Is his hair dyed?"

"Is he a half-breed?"

"Wonder if he is good at sports?"

"You may go sit next to Kingu since you are staying with her." Sensei motions.

Everybody watched as Isamu walked down the aisle and sits in the seat next to me.

All of an sudden their is pounding on the window.

"Sensei, there are a whole bunch of birds at the window." An student points out.

We all turn to see a flock of birds trying to get in through the window.

"Ah! I'll go get help! Do self study." Sensei exclaims.

He rushes out of the room and the class starts talking at once. Also, take pictures.

I slump down in my seat.

I really need to learn to control my powers.

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