Demons Kill

42 2 0

Character by PikaGirl260

"They just keep coming!" A comrade yells.

"Keep shooting!" Another yells back.

I try to stay focused in the battle as dust and bullets fly through the air. I get pushed back a little each time I use my rifle.

You aren't getting past me.

Demons pour through the breach and into the base. They make their way towards us until they are shot down.

"Lieutenant Kimiko! Requesting permission to speak!" Shouted a commander over gun fire.

"Well, you're already speaking so go ahead! I'm in a good mood!" I yelled.

I shoot 9 more demons.

"Take that you blood suckers!" I smirked.

"Lieutenant Kimiko! The best approach is to surrender the base and escape while we can!" The commander suggested.

A demon was almost upon him until I shot it. He was obviously shaken up by it.

"Best not to let your guard down commander." I warned.

I shot at 18 more demons.

"And not happening commander. I'm not handing over my base to filthy scum like them." I continued.

Especially with Suki here.

"But commander....!" He protested.

"Are you talking back to me commander? With your status?" I said deadly calm.

"No lieutenant!" He quickly shook his head.

I did rapid fire at 9 demons and they were dead instantly.

"Then get back to your post." I ordered.

The commander quickly ran away. I pressed the ear piece trying to get through. Finally the static cleared and I was in touch with them.

"Status report!" I demanded. "How is the back-up field coming?"

"We're sorry ma'am! We are only at 34% power! It will be another 15 minutes!" The voice informed me.

I turned it off and killed 15 more demons.

I have to go check on Suki. With this many demons it will be effecting him.

I scanned the area seeing how everyone was holding up. Most were okay, but a few were slowing down.

I shot 27 more demons.

That should help.

I got up from my crutch position behind a fallen concrete pillar. I slung my rife behind my bag and ran down the hall from the hall. Nobody made a move to stop me.

I ran down the corridor and went to the right for a while until I was at my door. I pressed my thumb to the scanner then did an eye scan.

The door slid open to my bedroom. I headed over to my wardrobe. I slid the door open and pressed the hidden panel with my foot that is on the floor; the entire ground went down forming a stair case.

I hurried down the steps. I entered the bunker to see Suki cowering in the corner. He was in a fatal position and it looked like the rash on his arm was getting worse.

"It's okay Suki." I soothed.

He lifted his head up and looked at me.

"Emica." Suki squeaked. "The demons..."

"I know. It's okay." I assured.

I slowly stepped towards him.

"The demons....! They're calling me!" He cried.

I took the tranquilizer from my belt and continued to slowly head towards him.

"No they aren't. They are telling you to sleep." I told him.

I quickly put the tranquilizer into his arm. Suki's eyes closed and his whole body relaxed.

I hurried up the stairs with the hidden door closing behind me. The door slid open at my presence and ran down the hall.

I pressed my ear piece connecting me to the center.

"Status report! How much longer until back-up field up and running?!" I demanded.

"Six minutes and counting Lieutenant Kimiko." Center informed me.

"Make it faster!" I ordered.

I turned the ear piece off. I finally reached the battle field. Everyone looked like they were in trouble. Some people were dragging the injured away.

I slid behind chunks of concrete and quickly shot 20 demons down.

Just have to hold on 4 more minutes.

A new wave headed towards us and I killed 16 more.

I unlocked the empty amno box and replaced with a new one from my belt.

I started shooting hard and fast; guts flew everywhere. I saw one person trying to remind it of being human. I quickly shot it and the person collapsed to her knees frightened with flesh and slime on her.

Two minutes.

A charge of energy started to gather in the room; getting ready to protect and kill.

A few of my fellow fighters started to retreat. I quickly killed the demons that were going after them.

1... 2... 3!

A bright burst of light exploded through the entire building. Demons were vaporized and they stopped coming through.

We had survived the breach.

But who caused it?

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