Stutter Girl

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I was born with a stutter. I couldn't speak probably to people so they didn't bother to wait for me to finish my sentence. Teachers don't ever call on me after the first time.

I became isolated and was left with my thoughts. Everyday I would watch groups of friends walk together and I was left by myself.

Once I hit ninth grade I thought things would change. A few people came up to talk to me who didn't know me. They never talked to me again.

A few weeks passed until I noticed a guy who was every single one of my core classes watching me. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. The guy was tan too. I tried to ignore him thinking he was planning something mean.

One day he came up to me when I was at my locker.

"Hey." The guy said.

I kept my mouth shut knowing nothing good would come of it if I opened it.

"My name is Eric." He continued.

I simply nodded at him. I finished putting my stuff away and headed towards the entrance.

He his just going to make fun of me once I start talking.

The next day in class Eric approached me again.

"Hey Lucy." Eric greeted.

I looked down at my paper and kept doodling on it.

"You're pretty good. You should join the art club." Eric suggested.

I ignored him.

Don't talk. It's just what he wants.

"Who does she think she is?" Someone whispered.

"Too good to talk to us, huh?" Another whispered.


"She doesn't deserve Eric's kindness."

My eyes burned from tears wanting to escape.

"P-p-please go-go a-away-away." I pleaded in a whisper to him.

I can't take it.

Eric turned around and went back to his desk.

When lunch came around I ate in the bathroom like usual.

Next class we could sit anywhere and Eric chose to sit next to me.

"Where were you at lunch?" Eric asked.

I looked down at the table; my dark hair shielding my face from view.

"If you really don't like talking why don't you just write everything down?" Eric suggested.

That's just crazy.

"I know it sounds crazy." I flinched. "You could just use a white board. I will even bring one in for you tomorrow."

I shrugged.

"Yes! Making progress with you." He grinned.

The next day Eric was true to his word. He brought in a white board and a pack of white board markers.

"Here! Try it out." Eric motioned.

I pulled the board towards me and grabbed a random marker, red. I turned it to face him.

Why are you helping me?

"I find you interesting." Eric admitted.

I used my sleeve to arise the previous words and wrote new ones.

Not good enough.

"Um..." Eric thought for a second. "I used to be like you."

Hard to believe.

"Ha-ha!" He laughed. "I know. I changed."

Good for you.

"Yeah. I guess." Eric grinned.

Thanks any way.

"No problem." He assured me.

Eric went back to his seat cause class was about to start.

When lunch came around Eric found me and took me to his table.

"Hey guys! This is Lucy. She's in most of my classes." Eric introduced.

I looked down at the ground embarrassed of the attention.

"She's shy." Eric explained.

He pulled out a chair and shoved me into it. I set my lunch on the table.

"Hey." Someone greeted.

I tilted up my head to look at the voice.

He was blonde with blue eyes. The guy wore the standard boy uniform.

"I know her! It's stutter girl!" Someone realized.

I turned to see it was a guy with shaggy black hair and grey eyes .

"Totally is." Another agreed.

I looked down at my lunch.

"No cool dudes." Eric said.

I picked up the white board and wrote on it.

It's fine.

"No it's not." Eric argued.

I'll just eat somewhere else.

I picked up my stuff and headed towards the bathroom.

The rest of the day went by with Eric apologizing and me writing stuff down to assure him.

The next day I was "invited" to sit with them and it was a little better. They didn't bring up my stutter again.

A few more weeks passed and I was having a good time with Eric. My first real friend.

Eric soon started to act weird. Well, weirder then usual.

He would sometimes act flustered and one time we both bent down to get my pencil at the same time causing our hands to touch; he jerked it up causing it hit me in the face giving me a bloody nose. That was a long day.

Today though Eric was acting especially weird. He asked me to met him behind the school. Something for extra credit except I never heard anything about extra credit.

After school I met Eric behind the school. He seemed jumpy. I went behind him and tapped his shoulder; he jumped and I leaned back to avoid his flailing arms.

He looked angry until he saw it was me.

"Lucy, don't scare me like that." Eric sighed.

I pointed towards me mouth and shook my head.

"Oh yeah. Forgot." Eric remembered.

I took the white board from under my arm and the marker from my pocket and started to write.

What's the extra credit project?

"There is no extra credit project." Eric admitted.

I thought so. I am in all your classes. Well, most of them.

"I have something important to tell you." Eric said.


"I like you Lucy. I don't care about your stutter." Eric confessed.

I blinked a few times trying to process what he said.

He likes me? I'm happy just being friends. Do I like even like romantically? I don't want to lose my first friend, but.... It's just dating. It doesn't have to be forever.

I decided to write the words that could break or make our friendship.

I just want to be friends.

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