Senpai! Notice me!

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"This is the new apprentice I've taken on. His name is Ryo. Take care of him." Raihi-sensei introduced.

"I look forward to working with you. Please take care of me." I bowed to them.

My blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and I wore plain cotton clothes.

Sensei patted me on the back. "Well that's that. I have to go on a trip for awhile. I leave him to you."

I raised my head and watched my teacher descend the stairs. I then turned around and examined my senpais. The shortest of them had dark brown hair then the one next to him had black hair. The tallest one had dark red hair. They were all glaring at me with brooms in their hands.

"Since you're the newbie you can start by cleaning the courtyard." The black hair one said.

I gaped at him and looked around the huge courtyard.

"That's ridiculous!" I shouted.

"Don't talk back newbie. Do as you're told. We're in charge." The shortest of them sneered.

I looked helplessly at the red head, but he just looked away. The black hair one threw a broom at me which I failed to catch hitting me in the head.

"Ow." I grumbled rubbing at the spot.

"Pick it up and get to cleaning." The brown hair one ordered.

He dropped his broom on the ground along with the red hair one. They walked away leaving me alone.

"I'm really rethinking this whole thing." I sighed.

I picked up the broom and got started on the sweeping. By the time I had finished it was already really late and my stomach was grumbling. I staggered towards the main building and slid open the door. I saw the three of them surrounded by empty plates and bowls while looking satisfied.

"Looks like the newbie is finally here. We already finished so you can clean up." The black hair told me.

I started shaking in anger.

"What's with you all?! You just bossing me around and expecting me to go along with it! None of you deserve the title senpai! You even have the nerve to not tell me your names!" I yelled.

"Shut up. You're too loud." The red hair muttered.

I flinched at the tone of his voice.

"Don't be getting to cocky. We're in charge so don't even dare think of talking back to us again." The black hair growled.

They got up and left me alone once again to deal with the mess. I swallowed my pride and reluctantly did as I was told. After I was done I walked towards the sleeping area to see my cot secluded in a corner from their's where they were already sleeping. I went over to my cot and collapsed then quickly fell asleep.

A few more days passed in the same cruel routine until something finally changed. I was wandering in the back woods where I found the shortest of the trio training. He was practicing jumping from tree to tree and even throwing daggers occasionally at targets.

"Awesome." I said in awe.

He stopped and turned surprised to see I was there.

"What are you doing here?" He demanded.

"Sorry." I apologized. "I was just on a walk and what you were doing looked really cool."

"You think this is cool?" He blushed.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed with eyes sparking. "It's amazing! I wish I could do something like that!"

"Hmph. Well, maybe I can try to teach someone like you." He decided.


"Yeah and my name is Musasenshi." He introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Musasenshi-senpai!"

The rest of the day he helped me practice which a lot of falling and blood. The next day the black hair one discovered Musasenshi and me practicing.

"What are you doing with the newbie Musasenshi?!" He demanded. "Don't get to close to him!"

"He's not that bad Naifu! Give him a chance!" Musasenshi protested.

"Don't concern yourself with us!" I shouted.

"I'm your senior! Show some respect! You're just an newbie!" Naifu yelled.

"I've had enough of your attitude!" I growled.

I jumped down and tackled him. It then broke out into a full on fight that then left us panting on the ground.

"Your good." Naifu huffed.

"You too." I panted.

"I can't help it since I'm your senior! The old man told us to take care of you so I will properly." Naifu sighed.

I sat up straight. "I'll be under your care!"

Naifu and Musasenshi then taught me all their techniques and acted as older brothers to me. The red hair one still refused to acknowledge which made me angry, but I soon accepted it. He would sometimes still watch our practices though. Soon Sensei came back and my apprentice days continued.

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