The Moon and Princess

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The girl was near death as she had her back turned towards the enemy. With one final strike she destroyed the one in front of her though as she turned around her eyes filled with terror and fear. Time itself seemed to slow down as she watched the enemy raise the sword above it's head and bring it down in a deadly attempt. In a sudden blur something moved in front of her and was then quickly flung aside. Blood flew in the air and the girl stared at the body of her companion on the ground barley moving. She quickly wrung her head back around and with a vengeful strike with tears in her eyes she killed the monster who hurt her partner. She didn't stay to watch it fall, but instead hurried and rushed over to his side and crash down next to him. She rolled him over onto his back and pulled his head onto her lap. She gazed in horror at the gash that ripped through his suit too and had blood welling up around it. Slowly tears dripped down onto him then in a rush.

"Why?" She sobbed. "Why?"

She felt someone wipe away the tears she shed and opened them in a daze to see him smile weakly at her.

"I must protect my princess." He whispered.

He gave her a weak smile before his beautiful eyes lost their shine. Then the transformation that had let him be with her slowly started to fade away.

Above in the rafter sat a young girl that looked like a fairy watch the tragic scene unfold and felt pity for them.

"Once upon a time the moon fell in love with a princess. Though the princess was flattered she could not return the moon's feelings for she was in love with the sun. Though once the sun set did she realize they were both the same. Though it was too late. The princess could not find the moon just when she realized how much she needed him." The Fairy said.

The princess cried harder as she saw who her partner really was. It was the sun she had always chased. Though now her moon and sun was gone. She could not survive without the other. She held him tightly and cried to God to bring him back and would never take either side of him for granted again. However it was too late.

The Fairy in the rafters flicked her hand and the boy slowly started to dissolve in small particles of late. The princess frantically reached out to try and grab a hold of them, but they stayed out of her grasp. The princess clutched at her heart as the one she loved once again joined the beautiful sky where he belonged.

"I'm sorry." The Fairy whispered.

She then disappeared into the night leaving the princess alone with her heart ache.

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