Subway Crush

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I look at the hallway mirror examining myself.

Hair? Check!

I give myself a quick smile then pick up the bag and open the door.

"I'm going!" I yell.

I close the door behind me and make a run for it to the subway station. I quickly scan my pass and pass through the gates.

I wait for the train to come on the platform. After seven minutes the train finally arrives. The doors slid open and I get pushed in with the crowd.

I find a seat cross from the blonde hair guy who is always sleeping when I get on.

The train bumps and his head goes letting me see his face.

He's kind of cute.

I shake my head at that thought.

You barley know him!

I look at him again and notice my school's emblem on his jacket.

So he goes to my school.

I shake my head again.

Don't think like that.

The doors open for another station and another wave of people come in.

I notice a girl wearing my school uniform walk over and sit next to him. The girl looks at me and I quickly put my head down. My hands clench into fist on my lap.

Who is she? How can she sit next to him so calmly?

I shake my head again.

What is wrong with me?!

We finally reach our stop and I wait for the people going out to become less.

The girl touches his arm and the guy opens one of his eyes to look at her. I look away and get off the train.

I run the rest of the way to school. I notice him behind me and no sign of the girl.

Unrequited love.

I hit both of my cheeks with my hands.

Enough Yumi. Focus on school.

The day passes bye with me doing lessons and talking with friends.

Though I don't see the guy anywhere. School ends quickly and back to the subway.

I scan my subway pass and pass through the gate. I make it a few minutes before the train arrives and go in with the flow of the crowd.

I get on and notice the guy is already on; in his usual seat of course.

As the train travels through the dark tunnel lights float around us.

I glance at him and he is listening to music with his eyes closed. The ride ends soon enough and I get off with everyone.

I reach the open entrance to the outside, but it has started to rain. I start to look through my bag then stop.

I lent it last week to Yuki.

I wait a while for the rain to stop, but doesn't look like it will anytime soon

The guy from the train walks up next to me. He glances and me then the rain.

"Here." He motioned.

The guy puts the umbrella in my hand then runs off with his bag over his head.

"Um, thanks!" I call after him.

He keeps running though never looking back.

I wonder how I will return it to him.

I open up the umbrella and start walking home with a tiny smile on my face.

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