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"Mommy!" I scream.

Fire rages everywhere. Screams and howls fill the once peaceful night. Gun shots are fired and the clashing of metal rings through the air. Animals thrash around trying to escape the chaos.

"Mommy!" I scream.

I try to dodge people as they run trying to escape the Hydra nation. I see one women trip and quickly grab by the hair by a warrior on a horse. Her teeth clench in pain and silent tears stream down her face. My own eyes begin to sting from the tears wanting to break free from sight. I clench my fist harder and painfully look away to continue looking for mom.

"Mommy!" I scream.

I dash away with my eyes darting everywhere looking for even a glimpse of her. I push through the flow of the crowd as they scramble to get away. I continually get knock around by the swinging of arms and the ramming of bodies.

"Mommy!" I scream.

Someone hits me and I fell to the ground. I curl up in a ball in order to advoid getting hurt. Feet hit me me and I held myself tighter. Suddenly I am grabbed by my collar and lift of the ground. The collar presses against my neck slowly suppressing my ability to get air. My eyes start to bulge out and water. I look terrify at the warrior who has a thin mustache and a beard.

"I've got one!" He yell.

I start to flail around in his grasp trying to break free, but my collar only gets tighter on me.

"Stop moving around scum." He growl.

"Let me go." I choke.

He ignores my words and grabs some rope from his belt. He ties my hands tight enough behind me that the rope digs into my skin. The warrior holds the rest of the rope in his hand drags me along. I try to struggle but he only pulls tighter. Tears appear in the corner of my eyes and I try hard to not start sobbing.

"Mommy." I whisper.

I look to the side of his large body and see him taking me to a cage where other people in my village are shaking at the bars and screaming bloody murder. Some are huddled together crying and some look lifeless already. Fear creeps into me and grabs hold.

"No!" I scream. "No! No!"

I start to thrash and try to break free; not caring if I get hurt. The man just picks me up and opens the door to the cage; pushing back the others who try to escape. He throws me in and quickly closes it. I land on my back and my head throbs. I watch as the warrior ties me rope to the bars and walks away to talk to the others.

"Mommy." I whisper.

This time I can not contain my tears. They pour down in a rush and I can only weep into my knees which have blood and dirt mixed together. No one dares to try and comfort me. We all know that it's hopeless and no words can help. Soon the cage starts to move and we notice warriors rising next to us on horse. They show no emotion towards us. I turn back one last time to see my blazing village look bright against the dark night.

Mommy. Where are you?

My eyes grew heavy from the days events and I fell asleep against the bars of the cage.

I wake up to the sound of metal against metal. I open my eyes and yesterday's events come rushing back to me.

I have been captured and I have no idea where mommy is.

"Wake up. We're here." A warrior snap.

I blink and turn around still bound. There stood the Hydra Nation castle made of red rock and titles with a large wall. Smaller houses were scattered around it.

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