Behind the Glasses

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"Um... Rin-senpai. I-I hav-ve..." A young girl started.

In Japan when the cherry blossoms are blooming love does too. In the back of the school a young girl is confessing to her senpai.

"... Al-lways l-liked you. S-since th-the time y-you helped me up." The girl confessed.

The guy, Rin, just sighed and looked at the girl in front of him. She suddenly felt self conscious of herself. She bunched up her uniform skirt in her hands at her side.

"I'm sorry Kazumi-san. I can't accept your feelings." Rin apologized.

Kazumi held back the tears that threatened to spill. She gave a fake smile to him trying to show that she was fine.

"I understand." Kazumi said.

She briskly walked away from her failed love confession. Once she arounded the corner she broke into a jog with the tears breaking free and streaming down her face.

"I knew this would happen." Kazumi thought. "I'm not as pretty as his other admirers."

The heart broken girl tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground. The glasses that were on her came off and bounced a few times away.

Luckily Kazumi could see enough without them. Though she heard the sound of grinding rocks under someone's shoes.

Kazumi turned around to see the guy who rejected her.

"My face!" Kazumi thought.

She turned her head back around and quickly rubbed her face trying to get the tears off.

"Are you okay?" Rin asked.

Kazumi turned around and looked up at him. Rin seemed surprised at the sight of her.

"Yeah. Just tripped and got dust in my eyes." Kazumi lied.

"Do I know you?" Rin asked.

Kazumi's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Does he want to forget about my confession that badly?!" Kazumi thought.

"Yes." Kazumi said.

"Are you sure? Cause I think I would remember someone as pretty as you." Rin smiled.

"Does he not recognize me without my glasses?" Kazumi thought.

"Here, let me help you up." Rin motioned.

Kazumi timidly gripped his hand and he pulled me up. She stumbled up a little, but held her ground. Kazumi looked down at his hand who was still holding her hand.

"You can let go now." Kazumi blushed.

"What if I don't want to?" He questioned checkly.

"Does he like me when I'm not wearing my glasses?!" Kazumi thought. "He likes people only for their looks!"

Kazumi pulled her hand away and Rin frowned; he lowered his hand to his side.

"Why don't we go on a date?" Rin asked putting on a smile again.

"What did I ever see in this guy?!" Kazumi wondered.

"No thanks." Kazumi faked smiled.

She walked away from him accidentally stepping on her glasses. She heard the crunch, but kept walking knowing it wasn't worth looking at.

Kazumi hurried to the bathroom and passed by students who looked at her with curiosity.

She pushed the door to the bathroom and went over to the mirror.

"I actually look... Pretty." Kazumi thought.

She stared in awe at her reflection. Her eyes were bright and her face could fully be seen without her glasses.

"And Rin fell for this face." Kazumi thought.

A smile crept on her face.

"This is going to be fun." Kazumi beamed.

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