The Spirit Within (version 1)

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I'm thinking of turning this into a book. Let me know what you think. There will be another version so you can decide which one you want to become a book. Cover made by Detective_Neru.

"Next is the sixth grade girl's high jump! All competitors please proceed to the competition area!" Blared the speakers.

"That's you Tsuki-san." Hano-san told me.

I turned around to Hano-san who was standing confidentiality with her blonde hair blowing in the wind.

"Thank you for letting me know." I replied.

I pulled my dark hair into a ponytail and straightened my sports uniform that consisted of Blue shorts and a white shirt with my sneakers.

"Good luck Tsuki-san." Hano-san said.

"Thanks!" I grinned.

I jogged over to the field area where other competitors were stretching and doing last minute pep talks.

"Tsuki-kun! Do your best!" Yelled a voice.

I turned around to see Himura-kun waving at me.

"I will!" I waved back.

Aika-chan appeared next to Himura-kun.

"We're counting on you!" Aika-chan yelled.

"I promise I'll win!" I shouted.

I got a few glares at that comment.

"Competitors! The sixth grade girl's high jump is now starting! Please proceed to the competition area if not already there!" The speaker blared.

"I better get ready!" I yelled to them.

I give them one last wave before heading closer to the equipment where a teacher was waving around a clipboard at us.

"Okay girls," She started. "Each time you get over the pole vault you will proceed to the next round. However if you knock the pole vault over you are out. I will explain what happens when there is a tie when it happens. Do you understand?"

Some of us nodded while other actually shouted yes.

"Okay! Great! Now let's see," The teacher glanced down at the clipboard . "We will have class A go first. Prepare yourself!"

The girl from class A headed towards the beginning of the jump track and started to stretch. Soon the teacher walked over to her. They spoke a few words before the girl nodded. The teacher beckoned at someone and they gave her an megaphone.

"Okay girls! Class A Sato Aiko will now begin her jump! The bar is at 0.91 meters"! You may proceed Sato-san!" The teacher announced.

The teacher nodded at Sato-san who nodded back. Sato-san started to run towards the pole. Once she was close enough she pushed off on one foot and jumped side ways over the pole. Sato-san managed to jump over and landed on the mat. We all cheered for her and she stood up from the map. She bowed at us with her black hair covering her face.

The games continued to go bye until it was me against Sato-san. When she went to jump though her foot touched the pole vault and it went down with her. I hurried to over to her.

"Are you okay?!' I asked.

Sato-san groaned and rubbed at her head.

"Yeah. I think so." She replied.

Though I was pushed out of the way by a teacher and a few of her classmates. I dusted myself off and went to the beginning of the jumping track. The teacher came next to me after a while.

"If you make this jump you win Tsuki-san." The teacher told me.

"I know." I smiled.

The teacher held the microphone up to her mouth.

"Okay everyone! This is the last jump! Class E Tuski Nadame will now jump 1.55 meters!" She announced.

I looked around at all the people watching and there was Sato-san giving me a thumbs up; I gave her one back. I saw Aika-chan and Himura-kun waving at me. I wave back at them. I turn back to the teacher who gives me a nod.

Everyone is counting on me! I have to do my best!

I take off running towards the pole vault.

Have to go faster.

I suddenly speed up and only see the jump in front off me.

Have to make it!

I get close to it and push off the ground with all my might. I go sideways over it with some distance between the pole and I. I landed perfectly on my feet on the mat. People are cheering for me. Suddenly a coat is tossed over my head.

"Tsuki Nadame it is very important that you come with me." The person said.

Who is this person?!

"Why?" I whispered.

"Let's just say you don't like so puurrrfect." He told me.


"Just please follow me Tsuki-san. All your questions will soon be answered." He explained.

What should I do?

"Should I also tell you I'm from another school? You will must likely be transferring there." He added.


I gave a nod and he guided me away from everyone. After a while my shoes start to crunch something.

"Is that her?" A make voice asked.

"Yes. Looks like we arrived in time too." Replied my guide.

I am helped into the car. I hear the engine start and the car rock as it moves. The jacket is pulled off my head.

I blinked at the sudden change in light. Once my eyes focus I stare at the two people in the car. The driver has black hair, though I can only see him from the back. I turn my head to see the guy next to me has white shaggy hair. His eyes are black and he has an smirk on his face.

"Well I guess I better explain to you now since we sort of kidnapped you and everything." The white hair guy decided.

"You're not helping Fukui-san." The driver growled.

"Anyway I think a good place to start is to hand you a mirror." The white hair told me.

He took a compact mirror from his pocket and handed it to me. I flip it open.

I don't see anything strange.

I looked at him and he pointed up. I tilt the mirror higher and I gap at the image.

Cat ears?!

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