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Boy perspective sometimes! Be patient with me! I don't really do boy perspectives much.

"Students this is Yora Hinata. She will be joining our class as of today." The teacher introduce.

"Nice to met you." Yora-san bow.

I stare at the girl with curiosity; so do a lot of people. Sure she is wearing the standard school uniform of a yellow sweater vest, white shirt underneath, and brown skirt, but it's her eyes. Yora-san is wearing a blindfold. A pure black blindfold.

"Sorry about this Yora-san, but there are only seats left in the back." The teacher apologize.

"It's fine." Yora-san assure.

As though she isn't even wearing the blindfold she walks confidentiality down the aisle and seats in an empty seat near the window.

We all stare in awe at what she just did.

"Well," the teacher recovers. "I will catch up on everything later Yora-san. Let's start on attendance."

I glance back at the girl who rest her chin on her hand.

"Ho...! Hon..! Honda Sho!" The teacher yell.

I snap my head back to the front of the room.

"Huh?! What?!"

The whole class laughs.

"Honda-san! I have been calling your name for over a minute! Please pay attention." He sigh.

"Sorry. I'm here."

The whole class laughs again.

"I can see that." He says dryly.

The teacher continue to call on names and I look back at Yora-san. She is still in the same position. She doesn't to appear to have laugh at me.

After long boring lessons lunch time came around. A few girls in the class approach her, but they leave angry.

What's going on?

The school day slowly comes to an end after lunch. After putting on my outdoor shoes I walk outside to see Yora-san being pick up. A lot of kids are staring at the scene. Yora-san goes into the car after our her driver comes out to open it for her. The car soon drives away followed by lots of chatter.

I walk home with my friends who wanted to talk about the mysterious Yora-san. They heard some rumors about her being in an accident and that's why she wears the blindfold. I feel kind of bad for her now.

Yora Hinata POV

"You never took off the blindfold once, right?" He question.

"Yes." I sigh. "I didn't take it off ever. Don't you have security cameras to confirm that?"

"Yes, but we would like to hear it from you." He tells me.

"May I leave now?" I ask.

"I'll have Mori-san and Abe-san escort you to your room then. You have to start studying."

I see his body temperature touch a cold block. He pushes down on it and he calls for them. I recognize the body temperatures of Mori-san and Abe-san when they walk in. They grab me by the arms and guide me out of the room and to my prison cell. I hear the click of the door being opened. They push me in and close the door behind me. Everything looks cold and dark to me as usual. I hear the crackle of static then His voice comes on.

"You may take off the blindfold and turn your attention to the screen now." He directs.

I hear a click on the back of my head and I unlock the blindfold from my head; I drop it to the ground. My eyes are force to squint from the sudden change in lighting. As soon as they focus I stare at the black screen in front of me.

"You are to maintain looking at the screen as usual at all time. Don't you dare even close your eyes. Remember what will happen if you don't." He explain.

I glance at the scars on my arm from previous attempts.

"We will now begin."

A black box comes down from the ceiling and entraps me. Headgear locks onto me preventing me from looking away. There is a small slot there so I can only focus on the screen. The black screen from outside the box turns on and begins the clip of a criminal. Soon at most three hours have gone by full of watching criminals.

"We are done for the day."

I hear the door click open and the footsteps of someone walk towards me. The slot behind my head opens up. The headgear imprisoning me left up and someone quickly locks a new blindfold onto me. The person quickly leaves; the door is close behind it. The box is risen and I can move freely again. My meal is inserted through a slot and I can see it by it's warm body temperature. Soon the time comes where I am forced to go to bed and the nightmares begin. 

"Go to your bed now or you will be forced to."

I walk towards the familiar shape and lie down on it. I am automatically strapped down on it and a needle injects something into me. My eyelids grow heavy and I fall asleep.

That night I dream about the criminals dying. All the ones I saw. Every single one dying.

"...ake up.... Wa...up.... Wake up! Wake up!" Someone yelled.

I open my eyes from behind the blindfold. The straps are gone and I can freely sit up.

"Congratulations Yora Hinata. All the criminals have been broadcasted as dead. Now prepare to go to school." He said.

More people died.

Honda Sho's POV

I walk into the classroom where a ton of people are talking.

"Hey Sho!" One of my friends call. "Come over here!"

I head over to the desk were they are talking.

"Did you hear on the news?" He question.

"No. What?"

"That a ton of criminals died last night! It was unbelievable!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah." Agree another one of my friends. "I heard they all died around the same time last night and no one knows how they died."


I then see Yora-san walk past me. She goes sit at her desk. I walk over to her.

"Hey Yora-san." I greet. "Did you hear about all those death last night?"

I see her flinch a little. I look a little closer at her.

Why is her uniform so crumpled?

"Are you okay--?" I start.

"Leave me alone." She interrupts.

I look at her confuse, but walk away.

Wonder what's wrong with her?

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