Caskett: Highschool Lovestory, Chapter 37

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Kate laughed as Hope bounced up and down.

 Kate still hadn't given Rick his present and it was April 3rd. 

She was trying to find the right time to tell him. 

She laughed some more when Hope plopped down on her but. 

Rick yawned and walked out of his office, he had been writing all morning and it was time to get to campus. 

"Hey I'm ready." he said and Kate nodded.

 "Your mom called, she'll be here in a few minutes." Kate said and Rick nodded. 

"You look tired." Kate said and Rick sighed. 

"I feel like a robot." He said and Kate tried not to smile.

 "Want a kiss?" She asked and Rick smiled.

 "I'd love one." He said and Kate gave him a sweet kiss.

 Rick smiled and kissed Hope's head before walking into the kitchen.

 "Darlings I'm here!" Martha yelled and walked into the Loft.

 Rick rolled his eyes and kissed his mother's cheek. 

"Ok Kate we gotta run." Rick said and Kate nodded.

 "Bye sweetie." Kate said and kissed Hope. 

Soon Rick and Kate were gone and almost to campus. 

"See you later." Rick said and kissed Kate.

 Kate smiled and kissed him once more before going her seperate way.

 "Hey!" lanie yelled and ran up to her. 

"Hey Lane."

 "Have you told Rick yet?!" She asked and Kate shook her head.

 "No, I don't know If I can."

 "Well if you wait any longer..." Lanie began and Kate sighed. 

"I know, I'll tell him tonight, I promise." She said and Lanie nodded. 

"Come on, criminology awaits us."


"Hey bro!" Javi yelled and Rick smile.

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