Caskett: Highschool Lovestory Chapter 31

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(4 months later)

"Shh shh sweetie." Kate tried to calm the crying baby but she really wanted her daddy.

Kate really hated Gina right now. She made Rick do a surprise 1 week book tour.

He was coming home tomorrow but all week Hope was crying for her daddy.

Kate felt useless, she didn't know what to do.

"Please sweetie!" Kate begged and Hope started hiccuping.

Kate knew that part of the reason Hope was crying was because she was teething.

At 8 months Kate knew she was teething.

"Come on sweetie it's ok." Kate soothed.

"Oh Rick, why aren't you here." She sniffed.


Kate had finally gotten Hope to die down, it was now 1 AM but she was still crying.

Kate finally got an idea.

She hurried to their bedroom and opened up a dresser drawer, pulling out one of Rick's shirt.

She walked back to the crib and covered Hope with the shirt.

Kate wondered if Rick's scent would calm her down.

Eurika! It worked! Kate thought.

Hope quickly calmed down.

Kate smiled and closed the light and the door.

She walked back into the bedroom and plopped on the bed, falling asleep.


When Kate woke up it was 3:30, she woke up to a door opening..In Hope's room!

She gasped and sat up.

She heard footsteps walking into the nursery.

Kate ran up the stairs and was about to grab something for a weapon but when she peaked through the door she saw Rick holding Hope.

He gently rocked her, then kissed her head.

He placed her back in the crib.

Kate ran back down quickly and back into their bedroom.

She got into the bed and covered herself.

Soon she heard footsteps.

She felt the bed dip and she peeked from the covers.

Rick laughed gently and carresed her cheek.

"I figured you heard me."

"Your here." She whispered and he smiled.

Rick leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her before getting up.

"I'm going to shower, I'll be right out." He said.

"Ok." She nodded and he walked into the bathroom.

5 minutes later he walked out and Kate smiled.

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