Caskett: Higschool Lovestory, Chapter 38

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Rick was writing in his office when he heard a loud scream, not a baby scream.

Sounded like it was Kate! He put his laptop up and ran out.


"Oh my gosh!" She said reading the letter.

"I got in! They said I could start training! I'm really in!" She said and Rick smiled.

"Really! Babe I'm so proud of you!" He said and she hugged him.

Rick took the letter and read it.

(Mrs. Katherine Castle, we are proud to inform you that you have passed your exams and you are now ready to begin physical training at the academy. Training will begin April 30th, Good luck.. Sincerely- NYPD Office.)

Rick smiled and hugged Kate again, "I'm really proud of you." He said and Kate smiled.

"I just can't believe I got in!" She said and Rick laughed.

"I never doubted." He said and Kate blushed.

"How about we go out to a celebratory dinner." He said and Kate smiled.

"I'd Love to!"

"I'll call my mother, see if she can watch Hope?" He asked and Kate nodded.

"Sounds good." She said and Rick smiled.


Kate hummed as she put her make up on, she was way to excited!

She would most definetley tell Rick tonight!

She was going to become a cop!

Ever since that day of Rick's stabbing she promised she would help people get justice.

Kate looked at herself and was satisfied, she walked out and almost stopped when she saw Rick.

He was in his tux, putting on his dinner watch.

WOAH! Kate thought.

He looked, Good! Needless to say the same thing was going through Rick's mind.

"Wow." He said.

Kate smiled ad spun around.

"Like it?"

"Love it." He said and kissed her.

Kate smiled and put her heels on, even with the heels she was still shorter than Rick.

She secretly liked it that way, she sprayed some perfume on before walking out and smiling when she saw Hope playing with Martha.

"Hi Martha." She smiled.

"Hello  dear!" Martha said and kissed her daughter in law's cheek.

"You look good darling." She said and Kate blushed.

"Thank you." She said just as Rick walked out.

"Ready?" he asked and Kate nodded.

"Ready." She said and kissed Hope.

"By Baby girl." She said and Rick helped put her coat on.


Kate smiled as she took a sip of her sparkling water.

She wondered it Rick noticed why she wasn't drinking wine.

"I'll have the Prime cut." Rick said and the waitor nodded.

"And for you mam?"

"I'll have the same." Kate said and the waitor nodded.

"I'll bring those appetizer's right out." He said and Rick thanked him.

Kate looked around at the restaurant, it was one of the most famous restuarants in New York, she reconknized the name.

She decided she'd tell Rick her surprise during dinner.

During dinner Rick finally noticed she wasn't drinking wine, Rick cut into his steak and tried to figure out why she wasn't drinking wine.

"Babe." he asked.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"Why aren't you drinking some wine?" He asked.

Kate shrugged, "I figured we've been drinking a lot lately, it's not really healthy, it's not good for the baby." She said and he nodded.

"I suppose yo.." Rick stopped mid sentence and his eyes widened.

"!" He asked and Kate bit her lip.

"Took you long enough." She said and Rick suddenly sprouted a smile.

"We're having another baby!" Rick said and Kate giggled.

"We're having another baby." She repeated.

Rick smiled and kissed her sweetly minding they were in public.

"Wow." He said and stroked her cheek.

Kate smiled, "I spoke to the NYPD, they said it was ok if I started training after I had the baby, I'm not in a rush." She said and Rick smiled.

"I love you." He said and Kate kissed him.

"Love you too." She said and smiled.

As they finished dinner Rick finally saw, she had that glow!

How he missed it he didn't know!


After dinner, Rick took Kate to the park so they could walk a bit.

"Dinner was great." She said and leaned into him.

Rick smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, brining her close to him.

He kissed her head and nodded.

"It was."

"Do you want a boy?" She asked and Rick smiled.

"I want healthy, but if we had a boy I'd love that." He said and Kate nodded.

"I'm hoping for a boy too." She said and nuzzled into his neck.

Rick smiled and held her.

He was literally the luckiest man on the planet!









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