First Day

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The tall boy, or I guess I should say teenager since we're in high school, shoved me onto the wall.

"Hey hey whadda we got here?" The guy smirked. "A new kid!" I gulp, my insides dropping to the bottom of my stomach.

The guy had black, slick backed hair, a flat bill hat, a long baggy sweatshirt, a chain around his neck. He was honestly the walking definition of a basic F-boy.

There were guys, his buddies I assume, that were gathered around me and the guy, who now had me pinned against the wall. They made no effort to help me.

"So little pip squeak? What's your name?" The dude sneered, his face so close to mine I could smell his cigarette tainted breath.

"T-Tyler." I manage to squeak. The dudes surrounding the slick black haired guy started to laugh.

"Your voice is so high! Puberty hit you yet?" One of the guys cackle. "I bet it did. I just think he's another piece of gay crap." Another guy butted in.

I cringe. Why do people use the word 'gay' as an insult. It makes me really mad like bro. Just no.

I would like to tell them in their stupid faces that this was not the way to treat a new student on the first day of school and that they shouldn't use gay as a insult and to just LEAVE ME ALONE! But I am Tyler Joseph and sticking up isn't really how I go.

I sigh, realizing I probably should get used to this. I got bullied at my old school too so of course I was bound to get bullied here in a new school.

The guy rips my backpack off of my back and unzips it. "Hey-!" I start to yell, but two guys grab my arms to hold me back against the wall while the leader of the bad guys searched through my backpack.

There isn't anything important in there I don't think. My phones in my pocket. My lunch money's in my pocket also. The only stuff in my back pack was my school supplies.

I sigh in relief. How were they gonna ruin my life with paper, a pencil, a binder and a eraser?

But then I remember what else was in my back pack. It's at the bottom, hidden under the two things of paper. That's when my heart stops. My song book. Now that was something they could use to ruin my life.

Cruddy chapter cuz all beginnings are hard to start:( oh well!! I hope you guys a have a super sick day!!!!

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