Go away

457 17 67

Tyler's pov

"I never loved you Joshua William Dun."

As soon as those words left my mouth, I never regretted them. He deserves to be hurt because he hurt me.

His face though, that's what kept me from running away. It was a mixture of shock and anger but also sadness and heartbrokenness. (A/N Is that even a word? Smh)

Now he was the one who couldn't speak. But then he did.

"Tyler." Josh wheezes out, reaching a arm to grab me.

"Forget it Josh. I don't wanna hear it." I sniff, letting the tears stream down my face like a waterfall, not bothering to wipe them away.

"Go away." I choke out a sob, turning my head in shame of crying in front of him.

Josh nods and walks away. I walk into Brendon's bathroom and lock the door, my back sliding down the wall as I sit there in defeat.

Eric's pov


Josh's pov

I start to walk away slowly and hear the door of the bathroom shut, locking Tyler in.

I can't believe he said that. He said he never loved me. Well you did just say you never wanted to make love with him. The voice in my head snorts. You kinda deserved that.

Tears crawl down my own face as I enter the room full of people. People started to whisper. I hid behind Eric.

"It's okay Josh." Eric comforted me, setting me on his lap and rubbing my hands lightly.

"I'm proud of you." He praised. But I wasn't proud of myself. Instead, I felt horrible.

A/n okay so since all my readers are sad I heard yall talking about how much you love beebo so to take away some of the pain im gonna give you a lot of Brendon in this chapter.... *shoves Brendon towards you out of fear*

Tyler's pov

"Bye guys!" I hear Brendon close the door on the last group of people to leave the hang out. Now I was the only one left.

I was still in the same position I was when Josh left me and I wasn't planning on moving anytime soon. Who wouldn't wanna spend the night in Brendon Urie's bathroom?

I hear a soft rapping of Brendon's knuckles on the door.

"Tyler, I know you're in there." He says softly.

"Go away." I grumble, burying my face in my hands. "I'm not in the mood to deal with people right now."

"I know you aren't. At least open the door? You're kindaaaaa sitting in my bathroom yenno?" He chuckles, pressing his ear to the wooden door that separating me from him.

I don't answer.

"Alright Tyler, you asked for this." I could hear the smirk in Brendon's voice. He does a pattern of knocks then sings, "do you wanna build a snow man?"

"Oh gosh." I groan and plug my ears.

"Come on let's go and playyyyyy!!" Brendon increases his voice so it's louder and I can hear him through my hands.

"I never see you anymore-"

"I saw you like an hour ago."

"Come out the door-"


"It's like you've gone awayyyyyy!!! We used to be best buddies! But now we're not-"

"We were never frens." I snort and chuckle as he makes a 'aw' sound out of disappointment.

"I wish you would tell me whYYYYY!"


"It's because Josh broke up with me." I finally sigh, letting the back of my head pitifully fall back against the tile wall.

"Oh my gosh Ty." Brendon's happy voice drops and I could hear his hands sliding down the door to his side.

I get up, my knees cracking, and slowly unlock the door.

"Tyler you look like crap." He states with a small smile and wipes away my tears with his hands.

"Thanks." I giggle and look at the floor. "I just can't believe a stupid little argument lead to him leaving me for his ex." I sigh, tears rolling down my face once again.

Brendon puts his arm around me and leads me to the living room where it was once full of laughing happy people.

I sit down and he goes to the fridge.

"Beer?" He offers, presenting a bottle of it. I shake my head and mumble a quiet "thanks."

"Alright, suit yourself bro." He shrugs and pops the cap off the bottle for himself, then settles down next to me.

"Pete went home with Patrick, I can offer you a ride home?" Brendon asks kindly. I nod and smile. Beebo was actually a pretty cool guy.

"Now. Tell me what happened."

"It was actually all my fault." I say, my voice tiny, fiddling with the case of my phone.

"How was it all your fault?" Brendon questions, taking a swig of the drink he was holding.

"At basketball practice, I sorta ignored him cuz people were surrounding me and complementing me. It felt good to have attention. But I also forgot I promised to teach Josh basketball. And then Eric took his chance and swooped in to help Josh play instead of me helping him. It was all my fault." I blabber and whisper the last part, head hanging in shame.

Brendon nods. "Well, the only advice I have is apologize to Josh. That way, even if he continues dating, you'll still be friends."

I bob my head along to his words, a small smile dancing on my lips, then it disappears. "I just can't believe he's dating someone else now."

"Ty, I know things look bad right now, but I promise it'll get better. You and Josh will get better. Apologize to him first, then figure out what to do after that, okay?" Brendon's face was serious.

I stare at him blankly, my mouth gaped open.

"What?" He tilts his head to the side. "Was it bad advice?"

"No! No it was great, that's why I'm surprised!" I laugh and loosen up my stiff body.

"Wow, you saying I give bad advice all the time?" Brendon sticks his bottom lip out in a pout and crossed his arms.

"Yup." I grin a dumb toothy grin.

Brendon cracks out of the act of being mad and smiles. "Get outta here Joseph." And he pretends to kick me out, then follows me to his car.

A/n SEEEEE IM NICE RIGHT!? You happy now? Good, you better be. Anyways so tomorrow I'm leaving for a camp and I come back next Sunday I think? So yes that means you all get to suffer a week without updates, think you can do that? Good I believe in yall. Anyways, I bet do you wanna build a snowman is stuck in yer heads MUAHAHHAAH!! Okay ta ta my lads, I might update today again or I might not, but be ready my frens! SEE YA |-/

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