Mario Kart

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( okay so gradually the chapters will start to get longer since I finished kinda the into, it's hard starting of fics:/ )

Tylers pov

The day went by pretty fast and soon it was the end of the day. Me and Josh have gotten pretty close. Friend wise of course. Maybe more someday...

The thought probed in the back of my head. No! I'm not gay! Coming out is to stressful and that's all I need right now! Josh probably doesn't feel the same... I argue with myself.

The suspense hurt my head so I clenched my teeth, shut my eyes, and lean on to Josh for support. We were in science which was 6th period.

"You okay TyJo?" He asks, his voice concerned.

I shrug. "My head hurts that's all..." He frowns then perks up.

"My mom and dad are gonna be gone after school! Wanna go to my house and hang out? I have a Xbox and wii!" He says excitedly.

I lift my weight off him and sit up straight, eyes glowing. "Yes! That would be awesome! My house is a wreck cuz we're still un packing."

He smiles. "Awesome!"

"Mr. Dun and Mr. Joseph." A voice says. We look up wild eyed. It was the teacher. "I'm sorry but you are still in school and Jenna was doing her presentation, until you two interrupted." The teacher, Mr.Flack, gave us a hard glare. "Carry on, Jenna."

Jenna nodded shyly and turned back to her presentation on explaining her cell model from last year.

She had blondish brownish hair, a sweet smile, and beautiful eyes. Now she's pretty cute... I think to myself. Good. She's a girl. Continue liking her. See I told you ya weren't gay! My head cheers but my heart kinda hurt.

I glance at the clock; 2;24. One more minute till class got out.

"Okay class-" but the bell rang and interrupted Mr. Flack. Josh gave me a excited look as we ran out the doors like little kids.


To mom: Hey is it okay if I stay at my fren Josh's for a bit?

To mom: friend***

From mom: of course sweetie! Be back in time for dinner!:)

To mom: thankkkksssdssssssssskskskskskskskskskss

From mom: lol love you Tyler

"She said yes!" I shout and jump up and down. "Woohoo!" Josh says, giving me a side hug.


"NOO!!!! BAD JOSH!!! HOW DARE YOU THROW THAT TURTLE SHELL AT ME!!??" I shout and shake Josh while trying not to spin off the Mario Kart track.

"Sorry buddy. Just accept that I'm better than you!" He grins and wins first place. "Ugh!" I moan and cover my face with my hands. "That's like the 5th time you won! IN A ROW!"

"Muahahaha!" He cackles evilly and tackles me to the floor. "Josh what the- NO STOP RIGHT THERE DUN!" I shout. His hand was raised to tickle me as a smirk spread across his face.

"I'm gonna do it."




"I don't mind you punching me in the face. Just don't kick me in the nuts or your outta here bro!"


"Too bad!"


"Josh yes."

He starts tickling me on my sides and I start laughing hysterically. I slip from his grasp and run out of his room that we were playing Mario Kart in.

I run down the stairs, zoom past his kitchen, and next to his kitchen is his living room. Perfect.

I tiptoe to a pile of blankets next to his couch and hide under them.

"Tyler! Where did yo- oh shoot!" He shouts as I hear him fall down the stairs. I cover my mouth to keep from giggling.

"Ow um wow that hurt. IM GOING TO FIND YOU JOSEPH AND WHEN I DO ILL- oh hey mom went shopping! Sweet! Are those Oreos?" He says and gets sidetracked. I hear his footsteps follow into the kitchen.

"Yes! Oreos! Oh wait I didn't finish my evil plan.... WHEN I FIND YOU TYLER JOSEPH I WILL TACKLE YOU AND MAKE SURE YOU CANT ESCAPE! AND THEN ILL TICKEL YOU SO MUCH AND GIVE YOU SOME OREOS CUZ IM NICE!" He shouts. My heart stops as I hear him stop moving.

Maybe he went upstairs again? I slowly get out from under the blankets then- BAM!

Josh jumps off the couch like a cat and lands on me. He straddles me with his legs on both sides of my waist and pins my arms above my head.

We breath heavily with dorky grins on our faces.

"Josh?" I ask.


"How will we explain what's going on if someone walks in on us right now?"

His eyes widen as he realizes that we are indeed, in a VERY awkward position.

He gets off of me and I start laughing at his shocked face.

"Sorry bro! That was probably really weird right?" He apologizes and blushes.

"I don't care!" I laugh and he soon joins in too.

"Uh... Want some Oreos?" He asks shyly.


Boom. Fluffish. I like Joshler fluff. It's vv adorable. HAVE A SICK AS FRICK SAY MEH HOMIES!! |-/

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