Change of plan

774 31 26

Josh's pov

"LETS GOOOO!" Pete cheers and grabs Patrick by the hand and drags him out the door.

"I don't know..." Patrick frowns. "We could get in trouble. My mom probably would ground me."

"Awe come on Pat!" Pete begs, giving him a puppy face.

"I don't really like the idea either." I admit, grabbing Tyler's hand. I felt like someone would try and hurt Tyler and it was my responsibility to protect him.

"Same." Andy says.

"Come onnnn!!" Joe wines. "I wanna go, and so does Mark!"

Tyler gives me a unsure look.

"if we go," I begin "I'll protect you, okay kitten? No one will go near you and we won't drink or do something dumb." He smiles at his nick name, but still looks a little scared.

"F-fine." He mumbles. "We'll go."


"Okay, so there's a back way to the club and these dudes I met yesterday said they would let us in." Pete explains.

"Wow, this plan reeks of trouble already." Patrick scoffs.

We drove to the nearest club and hopped out of the car. We sneaked to the back and met two buffed up crazy lookin dudes and they let us in.

We were greeted by neon lights and smoke followed by people laughing.

Tyler squeaks a little at all the commotion and huddles close to me. I wrap a arm around his waist and glare at anyone who looks at him.

The rest of the boy's faces were lit up with wonder. I smile as Patrick holds Petes hand. I ship them tbh sorry not sorry.

"Wow, what do we do?" Andy asks, but before anyone could answer, we all get split up.

I look at Tyler as he shoots me a scared look. "I can't see them!"

"Hey hey calm down Ty. They're fine. Hold onto my hand the whole time though, I don't wanna get lost in this crazy place." I give a nervous laugh.

The music was incredibly loud and it wasn't my type of either.

"It's okay kitten, loosen up a little!" I laugh and grab his hands, trying to make him dance. He laughs finally and dances a little.

I put my hands on his hips and look at him. "I'm really really happy we're dating now." I say.

"Me too." Tyler smiles and wraps his arms around my lower back, then leans his head on my chest.

Everything was perfect.

Then, Tyler was ripped from my grip. "Wha-? Tyler!" I shout, stunned in shock.

"Josh!" I hear his little voice embraced in panic. Someone was pulling him away from me. I couldn't see the persons face, but I knew it was a guy.

"I'm coming!" I shout and frantically push people out of the way. Then he's gone.

strings of swear words I shouldn't say spat out of my mouth as I run to find the others. I run into Andy.

"Andy! Someone took Tyler and I need help!! Where's Pete and Pat-"

"Right here!" Pete shouts, running towards me with the rest of our gang. "What happened!?"

Tears were streaming down my face now. Horrible ideas shoved their way into my head about what was happening to my poor baby boy.

"Someone grabbed Ty away from me I don't know where he is I need help what if he's hurt or something I told him I would protect him!" I cry.

"Well then we have to find him!" Joe shouts over the roar of people and music.

We run around, trying to find the missing boy.

"Tyler! Tyler!" We shout.

"Josh!" Mark shouts, motioning me to come to him. "I think I found him!"

He points to a room, half opened. And then I heard his voice. Tiny. Scared. Afraid.

"Come on!" Patrick growls and storms to the room with us following.

We push the door open, causing it to crash to the wall and leave a dent.

And there was Tyler and.... Scott?

Scott was over Tyler who was curled up in a corner. The larger boy repeatedly punched the smaller boy.

"NO!" I scream and lunge at Scott and we crash into a wall.

"YOU SON OF A-" and I start yelling at him, punching and clawing and kicking Scott.

"Wait!" The idiot wheezes. "Josh wait!"

I stop my rampage and look at the beat guy. "What the hell do you have to say?" I sneer and raise my fist to punch him.

"Josh. I need to say something Important." Scott coughs. He looks at me with sad eyes, than smiles "kidding." and punches my jaw. I stumble back, slamming into a wall.

"Jerk!" Andy snarls and pushes Scott, sending him flying into a chair.

I recover from the hit and look at Tyler who was being protected by Joe. "We need to get out of here." I gasp to Pete who nods and grabs Mark and Patrick and runs out the door.

"Thanks Joe." I breath and pick up scared Tyler.

Andy punches Scott one last time, then we all spring out the club, racing to the car.


"Josh, really, I'm fine." Tyler protests but I shake my head. "No. No your not."

The boys dropped me and Tyler off at my house so Tyler could sleep without the hazard of a pizza being thrown at his face at Marks house.

My parents and siblings weren't home so we had the house to ourselves. We were in the kitchen and Tyler was sitting on a counter and I was trying to get him to take his shirt off so I could examine him.

"Oh come on Tyler, it's not like I'm asking you to strip!" I laugh but he still shakes his head.

"Please? I need to see if you bruised your ribs or something."






"Tyler are you embarrassed?"


"You dork." I laugh and kiss his nose, earning a scrunched up face from him.

"Dude, you've seen me with a shirt off, it's no big deal. PLEASE TYLERRRRRRR!!!" I wine and he laughs.

"Fineeeee!" He grumbles and slips his shirt off. He was beautiful.

"I don't see what your embarrassed about." I state and approach him to look at his wounds.

He shrugs, then winches as I touch his rib cage were I big bruise was planted. I frown.

"He kicked you hear didn't he?"


Tears brim my eyes and I don't care to stop them. My fingers brush every bruise and scratch and my heart breaks as Tyler squeaks and whimpers in pain.

"I'm so sorry. I should've held you tighter. We shouldn't even have gone to that stupid club!" I growl but Tyler shakes his head.

"It wasn't your fault at all."

I sigh and lightly wrap my arms around his bear upper half, carful not to hurt the poor boy.

"Tyler." I began "I don't think I've told you this yet, but I love you."

Yeah there's the feels.

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