Pity party

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Tyler's pov

My phone buzzes.

From Josh: are u going to the hang out tonight?

Hm well this is odd? I think to myself. Maybe he wants to apologize for being dumb and rude to me?

Me and Pete were sitting on my bed. He was texting Patrick like a madman and I was casually watching vids of happy wheels on YouTube.

To Josh: yes I am. Why?

I decided to cut right to the point and ask him straight up why he wanted to know. I'm not going to play mr.nice guy. And I certainly wasn't gonna forgive him easily either.

From Josh: I have something to tell you tonight and it's important you know.

That's when my hands start to get clammy and my breath quickens. It's too important to text?

To Josh: can't you just tell me on text?

I'm impatient and I don't care. Josh was making me nervous.

From Josh: no. Better to tell you face to face.

To Josh:.... Okay whatever. See you there

I wasn't going to argue with him.

"Who you texting?" Petes eyes sway away from his phone for once and looks up at me.

"No one." I state simply and shrug. "No one important."

Josh's pov

My heart starts to beat fast and my hands start to get sweaty as me and Eric walk up to Brendon's house, hand in hand.

"Don't be so nervous, babe. Everything's going to go fine." Eric whispers softly into my ear. I nod mutely.

"Hey guys!" Brendon greats us. "You're right on time! We were just about to play truth or dare!"

Truth or dare leads to many things. I think to myself, but shake my head.

Me and Eric proceed forward to the living room where all the guys were lounging at. I quickly let go of Eric's hand. That's when I saw Tyler.

He was sitting on the couch, one hand clutching his phone while the other played with his hair mindlessly. And god did he look good.

His tank top was practically see through and his jeans. Holy FRICK his jeans were so tight around his di-

"Remember who you're dating now." Eric disrupts my sexual thoughts with a warning. I nod and look at the ground.

We settle on the floor with some other guys and Pete and Patrick. Pete looks at me and smirks, then looks at Tyler.

I start to sweat.

Tyler's pov

From Pete: he was totally looking at your woohoo

To Pete: you're pathetic.

From Pete: you know you love me;)

I roll my eyes at Pete then continue texting him.

To Pete: sureeeee whatever makes you happy

From Pete: you know what would really make Josh embarrassed?

To Pete: what

From Pete: get a boner. Then he'll really wanna keep looking there ;))))))))

"Pete!" I squeak aloud, causing a few people to give confused looks in our general direction.

He laughs and shuts his phone off when Brendon starts talking.

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