Secrets Revealed

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Hey guys! So this chapters gonna talk about suicide, depression, cutting, etc. if it makes you uncomfortable or triggers you, please skip it. I'll do a short summarization of this chapter at the end for those who skip it so you won't miss anything. Love you|-/

Tylers pov

It was a Friday, thank gosh, and me and Josh were in class. We had to watch a video about 'deep stuff' is what I heard but I'm not sure what they
Mean by that.

Me and josh get seated in the back of the room as the teacher turns off the lights to watch the short film.

(Im making this video up kk yall?)

"People everywhere get bullied." The narrator begins. Wow. "The person sitting next to you might be getting bullied, or might be the bully, and you don't even know it."

Josh holds my hand under the table as I cringe at the word 'bully'.

"People getting bullied can lead to many bad causes, like depression." I shrink in my seat and squeeze Josh's hand so tight. He winches, but doesn't let go.

"Depression leads to bad things like cutting, suicidal thoughts, and other negative actions like that." That's it. I lost it. I couldn't do this any more.

I sit up from my desk violently, making Josh and the others around me, jump. I frantically storm out the class room.

I hear Josh get up and follow me.

"Tyler! TYLER!" He shouts and chases me, hand reached out to latch on me. I ignore him and walk fast. I don't know where I want to go, but the first place I see is the janitors closet.

I reach for the door and run in the room, slamming it behind me. Blocking me from people. Blocking me from Josh.

I curl up in a corner, knees tucked tightly into my chest. I just start to plain cry. Sobbing. Knowing how stupid I was for doing this.

How childish, Tyler. Trying to run away from your secret are you? The stupid pathetic ugly annoying voice sneers in my head.

"Tyler..." I hear a soft voice outside the janitors door. "Please let me in."

"No." I choke and try to wipe the tears away, but nothing works.

I look down at my wrists in disappointment. There were cuts. Big and small. Old and new. That was my secret. And I couldn't let Josh know.

"Tyler. Let me in. Please. I can help you." He begs, trying to open the door, but I had locked it.

"Josh. If I let you in you'll see the real me. It's not good and you'll hate me and you'll think I'm weak an-"

"TYLER!" He shouts, startling me. "Let me in! Please! Your not useless or weak! Please let me in!!" He cries desperately.

I sign and pull down my sleeve, covering what I had done, then open the door.

Before it's even open a inch, Josh rushes through it, slams the door behind him and hugs me. Tight. His arms are wrapped around me securely like I was the last thing he had.

"Tyler..." He sighs into my neck where he buried it. "You really scared me." His breath tickled.

I grab tightly onto him and cry. "I'm sorry." I sniffle. He backs away and grabs my arm. I panic and draw my arms close to my chest.

He gives me a hurt expression, then tries again, reaching, grabbing, then finally he got my sleeve up, and examines my wrists.

He covers a hand over his mouth when he sees what I have done. "Ty..." He whispers.

"I'm sorry! I really am!" I shout, tears chasing each other down my face. Tears brim his eyes too, causing my heart to tear.

"Why-why would you do that?" He questions, stroking each scar gently, as if he was trying to heal them.

"It's-it's just u-um I just don't k-know how to deal with m-my depression and and I just get bullied a lot and feel worthless and- oh Josh I'm such a mess!" I cry a and collapse in his arms.

"A beautiful mess." He whispers in my ear and puts his hands on my hips drawing me closer.

"J-josh?" I whimper.


"Do you hate me?"

"Of course not, I just- I just don't want you doing that stuff again. Please. Your to precious to hurt yourself."

I nod and continue to hold onto him. We stay like that for a minute or two, in each other's arms.

Then Josh breaks the silence.

"Hey, uh, Tyler? So there's like uh, something I've been, er, meaning to t-tell you..."

"I'm listening."

"Like, your my best friend. Better than the others in our group, I mean they're great and all, but you understand me and uh make me smile easily er your like heh really adorable and wow um I'm rambling aren't I?" He giggles shyly.

I laugh, blushing madly.

"So what I'm trying to say is-you can say no if you want!- but will you like uh be my-"

I could see it in his eyes what he was going to say. A boost of confidence rose in me. Tyler I know what your going to do! The voice in my head shouted. Don't do it! I shake my head, pushing away any doubt I've had before.

I grab Josh's face, lean forward, and kiss him.

GET SOME TYLER!!! Woohooooo!! Okay so quick summary for the peeps who skipped: josh and Ty watch a vid in class about bullying and it triggers Ty making him run out of class to janitors closet. Josh follows and finds Tyler. Josh finds out tyler cuts(that's his secret btw) and then they cry and stuff. Then Josh starts to kinda ask Tyler out and Ty knows so he makes first move and kisses him boom. ILY STAY ALIVE FRENS|-/

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