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Tyler's pov

"Hey! Tyler right?" A girl with blond hair and gorgeous eyes grabs me before I head into the locker room to change when practice ends. I recognize Jenna.

"Oh um yeah I'm Tyler!" I grin and grab my water bottle and awkwardly drink the whole thing.

"I'm Jenna. Me and my friends were watching you guys practice and I've never seen you before, well, except when you and your friend with red hair interrupted me during my presentation a while ago." She giggles and blushes.

"Oops sorry about that." I chuckle and start to head over to the locker room. "Hey, text me sometime? Here's my number." She hands me a slip of paper with her number on it, then skips over to her friends.

I shrug, then go to the locker room. I'm greeted by a whole bunch of dudes with their shirts off, so I look at the ground, knowing Josh probably wouldn't want me to eyeing other guys. I run into several people on accident.

I see Josh who was in a corner talking to the Eric guy. I skip over to them and peck Josh on the cheek making him blush.

"Hello Joshy!!" I say cheerfully. I notice Josh's shirt was off, so just to be mean to him, I slowly snake my hands up and down his bare sides and slip my thumbs in the waistband of his pants, snickering in my head.

"Uh-um hey Ty." Josh stutters, his face turning red. "This is um E-Eric. He's my uh friend."

"Oh, hey! My names Tyler, I'm Josh's boyfriend." I smile, taking my hands off Josh and giving both guys a cute innocent look.

"Hey, Josh has told me a lot about you." Eric says with a smile, extending his hand. I gladly shake it.

"Well," I sigh, "Me and Josh have some homework to do. Bye!" And I take Josh's hand and skip out the locker room.


"Tyler!" Josh scolds when we get home. "Why'd you touch me like that in front of Eric!? That was embarrassing!" He growls and stares angrily at his math homework. We were sitting on the floor in his room.

"Sorry Josh." I apologize and give him really sad puppy eyes. "You just looked so adorable standing there all shirtless and blushy."

And saying this makes Josh blush even more and he sighs. "It's too hard being mad at you." And he attacks his lips with mine and starts to straddle me, all thoughts of homework gone.

I have to say, it was getting pretty intense to the point where we were both shirtless and kissing non stop.

"Josh," I mumble, putting a hand on his chest. "We gotta mm do our uh oh gosh um homework." I lightly push him off and slip my shirt back on.

"But Ty!!" Josh wines, trying to take my shirt back off. I laugh and push him away, grabbing a pencil next to me for my defense. "I'm not afraid to use this." I giggle and jab the pencil towards him.

"You are a mean person." Josh huffs, crossing his arms and facing away from me. "Aw Joshy I'm sorry!" I frown and hug him from behind.

"Psh whatever." He snorts and focuses back to his homework.

"So Tyler," Josh strikes conversation when we are on our second to last math problem. "You, uh, got a lot of attention today? I didn't know you were that good at basketball."

I perk up. "Oh yes! That was awesome!! I actually made a lot of new friends and they all complemented me and told me I was awesome!! Some guy also said I was adorable hehe. OH! And I met a girl named Jenna who's really nice!" I ramble on and on about how happy I was, not really caring if Josh was listening or not.

"Yeah. I'm happy for you." He says in kinda a flat voice. I give him a puzzling look. "What's wrong?"

"You didn't hang out with me and teach me basketball like you promised." Josh sighs and glares at the complex problems on the work sheet.

Guilt gnaws at me and I slouch. "Sorry Josh I didn't mean to avoid you I was just busy-"

"Busy being complimented and hanging out with and teaching people you don't even know. Yeah. I get it." There was a bitter tint to his voice that made me sad. But I was kinda angry too.

"This is the first time anyone's been hanging out with me and being nice to me! I don't have to always hang out with you! Don't take my happiness away from me, Josh." I spat, then regretting everything after it sprung out of my mouth.

His face droops with sorrow and he drops my gaze. "I think I have to go. My mom wants me to help cook dinner. I'll see you tomorrow." He mumbles and picks up his stuff.

"Oh," he stops before leaving. "The answer for the last homework question is x=21." And with that he left me.

This was kinda just a filler chapter I'm trying to create drama cuz drama is sick in fanfics lol! Stay street my homies |-/

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