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Josh's pov...

The end of the day went by pretty fast and soon the bell for dismissal rang.

Tyler leaps out do his seat and skips out the door dragging me with him.

"Um, you high Ty?" I ask.

"Nope!" He laughs, popping the 'p'. "I'm just happy schools over." He's gotten way more comfortable around me and I like it. He has a funny sense of humor and has a strange mind that id like to get to know more.

"Okay well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" And when I say that, he frowns a little.

"You okay bro?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Yeah yeah it's just that your really cool and I guess I've never really had a good friend. Your just fun to talk to..." He replies, fiddling with a string on his shirt.

I chuckle. "You'll see me tomorrow Ty! Don't worry bro I'm not going anywhere. And hey, meet me out side of school in the morning so we can walk to class together and hopefully that idiot doesn't pick on you."

Tyler smiles a smile so bright it could light Scott's black soul. I smile too and pat him on the back. "Hey! Wanna exchange numbers?" I ask, reaching in my pocket for my phone. "Sure!"

Tyler gets picked up by his mom. I watch as she kisses him on the head. Tyler groans in annoyance causing me to laugh.

"Bye Tyler!" I shout and wave to him. "But Josh!" He shouts back, grinning his adorable smile. Did I call him adorable? Oh gosh stop it Josh! I scold myself and start to walk home.

Before I could take two steps, I feel a hand roughly snatch my shoulder and drag me backwards, slamming me against the side of the school.

"Hey yo punk!" The familiar, evil tainted voice sneers. In my face was Scott, more furious than I've ever seen.

"Listen Josh- do not and I repeat DO NOT get in the way of my business!" He shouts.

"If your 'business' is bullying my friend then I WILL get in the way!" I shout back.

"I swear to you. If you get in the way of me beating up that stupid, wimpy, useless kid, I will get you and make your life terrible!" He spats in my face.

I couldn't take this. "Really? You really think that Tyler is stupid, wimpy and useless? Ha! Looks who's talking!" I laugh in a almost insane way. But not quite.

"Never call Tyler that again or I will make your life absolutely miserable." I snarl then push him off of me with such force, that he stumbles back and falls from surprise.

I turn and speed walk away, fury burning deep with in me.


Tyler's pov

"So how was school today sweetie?" My mom asks as we sit in silence on our way back home.

"It was actually really good! I met this super sick guy named Josh and he introduced me to all his other friends and they seem to like me!" I couldn't help but smile.

My mom doesn't answer so I glance at her to see her face full of shock. "Wow!" She exclaims "That's great Tyler! Maybe you could invite him over someday."

I nod then look out the window, smiling and thinking about Josh...

Um I need to let you know that I like cats.... *fairly local voice* yuh

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