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Josh's pov

"Do you guys wanna eat Taco Bell or just order pizza and go to my house?" Pete asks as we drive away from the haunted house.

"Probably just order pizza." Mark admits. "Tyler's zonked out." He says, pointing to the back where me and Ty are sitting.

Tyler rests his head on my shoulder and softly snores. I smile.

"Sounds like a plan." Joe says.

Pete turns up the radio, blasting Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. I put my arm around Tyler, drawing him closer, then rest my head on his, and fall asleep.

The car stops and I here everyone get out except Patrick.

"Yo yo yo bro, wake up." Patrick whispers, lightly shoving me. I groan and put my head up, carful not to disturb Tyler.

I look at the adorable sleeping boy and grin. Patrick saw and chuckles "You really like him, don't you?" It takes a second but I nod.

"Me and Pete totally called it!" He laughs.

"Speaking of you and Pete." I says, wiggling my eyebrows. Patrick's face his bright red.

"Oh, um, we're just friends." He stammers. I laugh.

"I told you I like Tyler so just admit it Pat. You like Pete!"

"Okay fine! Maybe i do. Don't tell anyone okay?!" He says in a panicky voice.

"Don't worry, I won't tell." I assure, then unbuckle Tyler and carry him bridle style into Petes house.


Tylers pov

"You really like him don't you?" I here Patrick whisper to Josh. I feel him nod.

Holy crud! Josh likes me! My heart leaps with joy that I almost break my act of sleeping.

Josh unbuckles me from the car and carries me bridal style to Petes house. I smile.

We enter the house and i decide to break the act. I yawn and blink a few times, then look up at Josh who was still holding me.

"Hello TyJo." Josh whispers and smiles  at me. "Hey Jish." I grin sleepily.

He sets me on a couch and sits next to me.

"Okay!" Pete shouts, startling everyone in the house. "Who wants pizza?" The crazy boys run to the kitchen where pizza boxes were spread out.


We all eat pizza and once we're stuffed, Pete gives us blankets and we make beds in the living room. I chose to sleep next to Josh.

Before we go to bed, everyone takes their shirts off except Mark, Patrick and well, me.

Josh slips his shirt off and crawls under his covers. Sorry but like he looked hella find with out a shirt!

"GOODNIGHT FRIENDS!!" Pete shouts and turns off the lights.

"GOODNIGHT UGLY!" Patrick yells.

"I'm gonna murder you in the middle of the night Patty Cakes and shove you in my freezer and make bacon out of you the next morning."

"Great imagine in my head. Thanks Pete."

"You are very welcome!"

Then we all fall asleep.


I wake up with a start, sweat rolling down my face. I know this sounds dumb but I keep having nightmares about the clowns and beasts killing me in horrific ways.

"You okay TyTy?" Josh asks, his voice raspy. "Oh, uh, yeah I just keep having nightmares."

He laughs. "Wanna sleep with me? I know that's kinda weird but I'll fight off the monsters for you. It's my turn to protect you."

I giggle and nod, scooting closer to Josh and crawling under his covers. I feel him slide his arms around me in a secure way as he draws me closer.

I smile. "Thanks Josh."

"Anything for my bro."

I curl up like a cat and nuzzle up against him. He was warm. I didn't care what anyone thought if they saw us like this.

What are you doing!? This is your friend! I told you before Tyler. Your. Not. GAY! The voice in my head shouts angrily. I don't care what you think. I fight back. I really really like him and there's nothing you can do about it!

I hate when I doubt myself. It's really annoying and keeps me from doing things. This time, it was NOT going to get in the way of me and Josh.

I gain confidence and wrap my arms around him and press closer to his warm, comforting body.

He squeezes me in his strong arms and soon we're a tangle, wrapped in each other's comfort.

I was happy. Very happy. The happiest I've been in a VERY long time.

I sigh into Josh's chest and close my eyes listening to his heart beat.

I love imagining them cuddling!!! Have the sickest day ever frens|-/

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