Remembering Daddy

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I look at the cliff a few yards away. I start my motorcycle and look at the dead end.

I take deep breaths.

I miss you daddy!

I go straight and fast over the cliff.

A scream escapes my lips, but I grip the handles and land a few feet below on a ledge.

The landing was a little harder than it used to be, but the thrill is still the same.

I remember when my dad first brought me here.

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

Dad just smiled back at me and ride the motorcycle go faster.

I love being with him, especially when he let me ride on his motorcycle. He never liked me on it, but I would wear him down.

I held onto him tighter as we go through sharp turns up to this cliff.

I looked up and the sunset was awesome. It felt a beautiful yellow and orange in the sky. I felt like the reason the sub leaves these beautiful colors in the sky is so that you won't forget it'll be back in just a few hours.

In all honesty, I loved the moon and the stars more than I could ever love the sun. There's so many of them and I couldn't help, but love them.

Dad parked the bike a few yards away from the edge and we enjoy the sunset.

"Lizzy." Dad spoke.

"Yes daddy?" I answer, resting my head on his back.

"Your mom can be a bitch, but you cannot call her that." He explained.

"But she is! She loves Elizabeth more-"

"Eliza! Your mother loves you both equally." Dad barked.

"I wish she'd show it." I muttered.

"Look Lizzy, when your mother pisses me off, I go here!"

"But I can't always go here, because she pisses me off on the daily!"

He chuckled. "You know what I do when I'm mad?" He asked, looking back at me.

I look up at his dark skinned face with deep brown eyes that look into my soul. There's so much love in his eyes. The thing I loved the most about him is that he wore his expressions on his face and it was very clear to see how he was feeling. His hair is cut low, but it's chest he hadn't brushed it that dad because he had naps.

He had an evil mysterious glint in his eye and I knew whatever it was I wanted to do it.

"Let's do it!"

"Hold on tight!" He warned turning the motorcycle on.

I hold him tight and next thing I fucking knew, we went straight over the cliff.

I screamed and closed my eyes.

"Lizzy, open your eyes." Dad demand.

I slowly did, expecting to see us in heaven, but instead we fell a few feet safely in a hunk of rock below us.

"Now, I want you to make the next jump and this time keep your eyes open."

"Dad! What the hell was the point of that?!" I tell.

He chuckles. "It brings a thrill to your system and on that thrill you forget about everything else."

"I thought that's what parkour was for!"

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