Pot Brownies

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Dedicated to @Yanna_Monster!!! Check out her stories she's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!


We get to Beatrice's house and I take Xavier to the backyard.

"Good, now we can get back to this." Elijah smirks, gabbing me by my waist and pulling me close.

I rest my head on his chest. "Elijah, we're supposed to get high, not kiss."

"What's wrong with both?"


"Is anyone home?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"Good." He whispers as he brings his lips down to me.

His warm lips greet me and he glides his tongue into my mouth.

I suck on his lips and he picks me up and sets me on the counter.

"Elijah." I giggle.

He kisses my neck roughly. It's just coming to me that I'll probably have a lot of hickeys in the morning.

It tickles when his tongue draws circles on my skin.

I wrap my arms around him and laugh.

His kisses go down to the top of my breasts then the door swings open.

"Y'all finally fucking?" Beatrice smirks.

"I know right, finally. This is the longest a woman has ever held out."

"I didn't need y'all fucking right now especially, with Deja in my fucking arms." Beatrice chuckles.

"Well go set her down then come back so we can make pot brownies." He advises.

"Alright, but wherever y'all fuck y'all better clean it up. I better not find some fluids on my counter tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh! Beatrice go." I hiss.

She give us a side eye and then goes upstairs.

I hop down from the counter.

"Your hickeys are starting to show." He smirks.

"You Barbarian." I tease.

"You keep calling me that, but you know it just turns you on."

Beatrice comes back downstairs. "Alright Elijah go get the brownie mix and Eliza go get my medicine."

Elijah laughs. "Who the fuck died and made you head bitch in charge?"

Beatrice laughs. "The fuck do you mean? I've always been head bitch, you damn bitch."

Elijah laughs and gets the brownie mix while I go to Beatrice's purse and get her 'medicine'.

Beatrice took out the eggs and other ingredients for brownies.

Beatrice secretly likes baking sweets so she puts the ingredients together.

"I didn't know you could bake." Elijah states surprised.

"Hells yeah." She informs pouring it into the brownie pan. "I didn't know Eliza, would be such an easy fuck."

Elijah laughs and anger and embarrassment comes over my face.

"She's not she's been giving me hell all day."

"Me too." Beatrice laughs.

"Okay wait! We're not even high and you're already making fun of me. You're both bastards!"

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