Chapter Fifteen

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"Okay if you two stand together and you three over there" Lily ordered the models to stand properly so she could take yet another photo. Lily had been working on this photo shoot for almost 7 hours now, they were shooting out doors and it was freezing.

Ryan was back in New York working on a song with Gavin Degraw. It had been almost three weeks since Ryan proposed to Lily and wedding plans were well on their way. The venue and been booked and paid in full as had the caterers, entertainment and cake.

Lily jumped as her phone rang "Hello" Lily stuttered a little as she didn't recognise the number.

"Hello am I speaking to Miss Grainger?" A male voice spoke.

"Yeah" Lily was still a little puzzled.

"My name is doctor Taylor from the hospital" Lily relaxed as soon as she heard his name. She had been to the hospital for a check up a few days before.

"Is everything okay Doctor Taylor?" Lily realised Dean was now watching her on the phone he looked worried.

"Y6es I just wanted to give you the results from your urine and blood tests, I know I said I would write to you if they were all clear, but the thing is they're not" Lily's heart sunk as the doctor explained "It's nothing to worry about Miss Grainger, it's just the results show that you are actually pregnant"

"I'm what?" Lily managed as she looked over at Dean who as now staring at her.

"You're pregnant" The doctor repeated and Lily quickly plopped down on the wall, perching on it "Are you alright Lily?"

"Y...yeah I think so" Lily replied when she finally gathered herself.

"Now I'd like to see you again next week to do some more tests" the doctor continued.

"More tests? So it's not definate?" Lily sighed and the doctor paused. It was a sweet silence until the doctor spoke again.

"Oh yes it is definate" the doctor replied "We just need to run some more tests to make sure you and baby are okay, and of course to establish how far into your pregnancy you are"

"I see" Lily felt sick "Can I get back to you when I have spoken to my Fiancé about it, it's all abit..."

"Yes of course I understand, you have my number give me a call as soon as you are ready and I will make you an appointment"

"Okay thank you" Lily hung up and watched as Dean rushed towards her.

"Lily are you okay honey? You've gone very pale" Dean was concerned "Shall we go somewhere quieter" he added when he saw the tear's in her eyes.

Lily nodded and followed Dean inside the make up trailer, it was empty "What's going on has something happened?" Lily paused and wiped the tear's forming in her eyes.

"I can't tell you yet, I need to speak to Ryan first" Lily didn't want anyone to know before him. Dean nodded and stepped towards the door.

"I'll wait outside until you have told him?" He squeezed Lily's arm gently and went outside. Lily shakily took the phone from her pocket and dialled Ryan's number.

"Hey baby" Ryan sung cheerfully.

"Hi" Lily spoke quietly almost in a whisper.

"Is everything okay baby you don't sound to great" Ryan paused cautiously. Gavin watched as Ryan spoke.

"Erm I don't know, I don't really want to do this over the phone but I'm not due home for another few days and I need to tell you..." Lily rambled "I'm pregnant..."

Ryan's eyes widened and he ran his hand through his hair "Say something" he heard Lily sniff shit she's not happy, he thought to himself.

"Hey its okay baby, I'm sorry I paused I'm just in shock" Ryan replied quickly trying to make it better.

"So you're not mad" Lily wiped her eyes for the second time.

" Lil course I'm not. Why would I be mad?"

"I just thought after..." Lily tried but got choked up again "I really wish I could do this in person..."

"I know" Ryan felt bad for the situation they were in "But just for the record I couldn't be happier Lil okay?" Lily nodded but then remembered Ryan couldn't see her.

"Okay" Lily sighed "I love you"

"I love you too, are you okay?" Ryan wanted to make sure Lily was okay before he hung up.

"Yeah I'm fine" She smiled to herself "We're fine"

Ryan couldn't help but smile as he heard Lily say 'we're'..."Hey listen I need to get back to work" Lily said as she looked around and saw Dean waiting in the doorway of the van.

"Okay I'll speak to you later" Ryan smiled before hanging up.

"Good news?" Gavin wondered.

"Yeah you could say that"


Lily still hadn't quite gotten her head around her news, but she agreed to go for a few drinks after work with Dean none the less "Two beers please"

"Oh no just an orange juice for me thanks" Lily corrected and Dean gave her a look of astonishment.

"Okay now I know somethings wrong, you never drink Orange Juice" Dean cried and Lily smiled sheepishly at him.

"Okay if I tell you you have to promise me you won't tell anyone else" Lily frowned and lowered her voice a little.

"Yeah okay I promise" Dean was desperate to know what was happening.

"I'm pregnant" Lily whispered, Dean clapped his hands together with delight.

"Oh Lily that's amazing" he cried and Lily silenced him quickly so he didn't draw any attention "Sorry, do you feel okay...I mean are you okay with the news?"

"I think so" Lily's tone saddened "It's just..."

"Hey honey what is it?" Dean put his hand on Lily's and waited for her response.

Lily had worked with Dean for almost 10 years, they graduated college together. He was another of Lily's closest friends "What if I lose this one too" Lily sniffed.

"Oh sweetie" Dean wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulders and kissed her head "It won't happen again, they were extreme circumstances last time"

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