Chapter 33

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It had been almost two weeks since Lily had woken up. Ryan had never been so grateful to get her home. He wanted to keep Lily and Riley safe, somewhere he could protect them both.

Their house had been filled with security guards and there was also a police officer on standby at all times. Ever since Ryan found out about the reporter, being a guy who worked for Blake and then when David told him about Blake visiting Riley in hospital. Let's just say Ryan's mind went into overdrive.


It was late morning when Ryan and Lily woke up, Riley was stirring in his crib "I'll go" Ryan exhaled as he stretched and then stood up.

Lily watched as Ryan bent down over Riley's crib and picked him up. She had to admit Ryan had taken this whole Daddy role in his stride. He was amazing with him "Hey dude, what's all that noise for?" Ryan spoke to his son so naturally as he held him close to his chest "You hungry? Yeah Daddy is too come on I'll get us some breakfast"

Lily also got out of bed and wrapped her electric blue silk dressing gown around herself. She followed Ryan into the kitchen "You're so good with him" she smiled as she sat on the stool at the breakfast bar "What do you want for breakfast?" She asked as Ryan made Riley's formula.

"Nothing that you can make" Ryan frowned. He had taken the doctors orders of strict rest for Lily very seriously. He had said it was simply a miracle that she had survived, especially with no side effects and he didn't think she should push her luck just yet.

"Oh come on its just cereals Ryan" Lily giggled and Ryan's expression hadn't changed "No? Okay then I'll just sit here" she sat on the stool and just watched Ryan.

"I've been thinking maybe we should put the wedding back a few months" Ryan tested the heat of the bottle on the back of his hand before giving it to Riley.

"No not again Ryan it's already been put back twice" Lily frowned.

"Yeah but it's in two days, do you really think..." Ryan argued and Lily stood up and walked over to him.

"Walking down the aisle, eating food and slow dancing with the man I love" She smiled "It's hardly strenuous is it?"

"It is when you've been through what you have" Ryan looked up, some hair fell over his eye and Lily reached up to move it.

"I know you're worried babe, but honestly I'll be fine. I won't over do it and if you tell me to sit I'll sit" Lily reassured him "I just want to be your wife"

"You're already my wife Lil" Ryan reminded her and Lily looked at the ground.

"Yeah but not in the eyes of our friends and family, no-one saw us get married" Lily sighed "Please babe it's all I want and I promise afterwards I will do whatever you tell me"

"Yeah alright fine" Ryan realised he wasn't going to win this arguement "But if you look tires, or feel poorly"

"Yes okay honey I'll rest" Lily paused and looked into Ryan's eyes "I never imagined I could ever be this happy, you came into my life by chance and became the biggest part of me"

"You okay" Ryan smirked at Lily's sentimentality "How's your head?"

"Shut it Tedder" Lily scolded "I am trying to tell you how I feel"

"Sorry" Ryan leant forwards and kissed Lily gently "I'll let you finish"

Before Lily could continue they heard an urgent knocking on the door "Lily wait" Ryan called as Lily instinctively went to open the door "Here take him, I'll go" Lily held out her arms for Riley, she watched nervously as Ryan opened the door.

"Mr Tedder my name is DS Tallis and this is Officer Dalton, may we come in?" A man's voice said from the other side of the door.

"Yeah sure" Ryan stepped aside and two officers in uniforms stepped into the lounge area.

"We would like to speak to you and your wife if..." the DS said before Lily appeared "Oh good morning Mrs Tedder sorry to intrude like this"

"That's fine, what can we do for you?" Lily moved Riley so his body was upright and resting his head on her shoulder she started to rub his back and tap it a little.

"We want do let you know at the first opportunity, it's very good news. We arrested Blake Timms early hours this morning" DS Tallis explained "We have him in custody"

"You serious" A weight suddenly lifted from Ryan's chest, he exhaled deep and pulled a shaking Lily towards him.

"Yes" The men nodded.

"Oh my good Ry" Lily looked up at Ryan with tears in her eyes "It's over, it's actually over"

Ryan kissed Lily's temple and stroked his sons head "It's finally over" she said again.


"Oh Ryan that's fantastic news" Anna gasped a she held the phone to her ear "I'll let the others know" Drew, Natalie and Eddie were sat listening.

"What's happened?" Drew wondered and they waited for Anna's response.

"The police have Blake in custody" Anna grinned widely "They've finally caught the bastard"


Meanwhile back at Ryan and Lily's apartment, the couple had found themselves practically walking on air. Ryan could finally relax now, Lily and Riley were safe.

Brent had arrived a little while before to work on some new music with Ryan, they both decided to work in Ryan's make-shift studio. Brent was on the guitar and Ryan played a melody on the keyboard "You okay dude?" Brent asked as Ryan stopped and paused.

"Yeah I just can't believe it's over" Ryan sighed "It's finally over"

"Yeah well let's hope they have the right man" Brent laughed lightly "You know you see it on CSI all the time where they arrest the wrong guy and he goes on to..." Brent stopped talking as soon as he saw Ryan's ungrateful glare "Sorry dude, I'm sure they have the right guy I mean come on this is real life, nothing like that happens in real life"

"What you mean like getting shot in the stomach by tour stalker, doesn't usually happen either?" Ryan snapped.

"No" Brent felt terrible "But that's why they will have been careful, they won't make mistakes. It's definately him Ryan, you're right it is over"

Ryan nodded, but for some reason he couldn't get past what Brent had said What if it was the wrong guy? What if Blake had put him up to getting arrested?

"Can I get you guys a drink before I go in the bath?" Lily smiled as she interrupted Ryan's thoughts.

"No we can manage" he frowned and Lily smiled "Where's Riley?"

"He's in his crib in the lounge" Lily looked at Brent "I wasn't really going to get you a drink, I just wanted to highlight the fact I was going in the bath, so if Riley stirred you would..."

"Yeah fine baby, we've got it covered" Ryan laughed, he watched Lily turn and leave the studio confidently. Knowing Blake was locked up gave Lily and whole new lease of life, she had a reason to smile again without feeling on edge.

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