Chapter 29

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Everything had gone downhill so quickly, Ryan's world had stopped spinning the second Lily's heart stopped. He was lost in a whirlwind as doctors and Nurses rushed to take Lily from the ambulance.

Ryan burst through the doors behind the doctors "This is Lily Tedder, 30 years old and 33 weeks pregnant" the medic who had travelled in the ambulance filled the doctors in.

"Ryan what happened?" Anna rushed to Ryan's side followed by Natalie and Zach. The all watched in disbelief as Lily dissappeared...

"Wait" Ryan cried after one of the doctors "Where are they taking her?"

"I'm afraid we are struggling to stabilise your wife's heartbeat and it's putting strain on the baby. We are taking her for a c-section" Ryan took a step back and inhaled deeply, how could this be happening?

"What's wrong with her?" Ryan managed to ask before the doctor walked away.

"I'm afraid we won't know more until we have run some further tests" The doctor replied "Our main priority right now is to get the baby out as quickly as we can, we're hopeful that after the baby is born that you're wife's heart rate should stabilise"

Ryan nodded and them slid done into a chair as the doctor walked away "What's happening?" Anna and Natalie rushed over to Ryan almost immediately. He could barely speak "Ryan?" Anna sat down beside Ryan and put her hand on his shoulder.

"They've taken her for a c-section" Ryan's revelation stunned Anna and Natalie almost to silence. Zach just stared at his friend "Lily's heart stopped in the ambulance"

"What? How? Why?" Natalie stuttered and Ryan couldn't reply.

"Just give him some space" Zach finally stepped in "Have they said what's caused it man?" Ryan shook his head and Anna and Natalie backed off a little "Should I tell Violet?"

"No" Ryan said quickly "Not yet, Gemma doesn't need the stress right now and Violet can't do anything g for Lily right now. She should be with Gemma"


"I don't know what else to do, I have never seen anything like this before" a doctor looked at his nurse and sighed...

"We can't stop the bleeding" A surgeon called out from behind them "She isn't clotting...She's gonna need a blood transfusion, and fast"


"WHERE'S LILY!" Gemma cried as she grabbed her Mom's hand a squeezed it. The contractions were coming strong and fast.

"I'll go and see" Violet replied before disappearing out of the door and into the corridor. She couldn't see anybody, as she looked further into the corridor that's when she saw Ryan sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. She walked towards them and that's when she saw Zach sat beside and Natalie sat opposite.

"Ryan" Natalie said, making him aware of Violet's presence, as he looked up Violet could see the tear stains on his face.

"Oh god what's happened?" Violet gasped and quickly grabbed wall to steady herself "Is it the baby?"

Natalie guessed Ryan had lost the ability to speak, he was broken "Her heart stopped in the ambulance" Natalie cleared her throat and stood up.

"What?" Violet's body swayed as Natalie told her what was happening.

"Its okay they got it going again, but they are struggling stabilise her so they have taken her for a c-section" Natalie saw Ryan's eyes fill with tears as she explained.

"Oh god Ryan" Violet quickly knelt down in front of Ryan and cupped his hands in hers "I'm sorry, If I had known I would have been here with you. I'll go and explain the situation to Gemma"

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