Chapter 31

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Ryan smiled as he let the door click locked behind him, he had never felt pride like it ever the joy in his heart was overshadowed by grief and loss. Or at least the thought of losing Lily, seeing Riley made it harder in a way.

Ryan walked slowly back to the ICU he wanted to savour the moment of holding his son for a little longer. As he buzzed himself in the door with his pass he was surprised to see Natalie standing in the corridor "Nat?" Ryan looked confused, Anna and Natalie were meant to be sat with "Has something happened?"

"Ryan what are you doing here?" Natalie's question threw Ryan "A nurse said you were in with Lily? That's why we are outside" Ryan was more concerned now.

"What?" He said quickly before rushing into Lily's room. Standing in front of him was a tall dark haired man, he was standing over Lily "Who the fuck are you?"

Natalie and Anna crashed though the door behind him "That's him" Natalie gasped and Ryan paused and looked at her "That's the guy from the resturant, the journalist..."

"RYAN STOP" Anna screamed as Ryan launched at the man, throwing him into the wall. Ryan's fists were firmly gripping the man's shirt as he struggled for air "RYAN" Anna tried to pull Ryan away but she couldn't. Natalie had already gone to fetch help.

"Do you have any idea what you have done? She might die. Why are you even here?" Ryan grip loosened a little to let the man speak.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to do it" the man pleaded "He made me"

"WHO" Ryan yelled furiously, he tightened his grip again almost strangling the stranger "Who sent you?" Ryan spat.

"Blake Timms" The man's reply completely flawed Ryan, not to mention Natalie and Anna also. Ryan still hadn't loosened his grip on the man "He wanted to make you think it was the press following her..."

"Why?" Anna gasped as she stared at the stranger.

"I don't know and I didn't ask" The man was barely able to speak as his circulation was cut off further by Ryan's hands...


"Ryan stop" Anna tried to step "Please Ryan you're going to kill him "Ryan didn't seem effected by what Anna had said "Lily wouldn't want this, think about Lil"

Ryan thought for a moment before loosening his grip "Are you still in touch with Blake, I mean can you get a message to him?" Ryan snarled and the man nodded.

"Tell him from me, if he ever comes after my wife again then I will destroy him" Ryan's threat was sincere and even Anna was worried.

"Ryan let him go" Zach's hand came from nowhere and pulled Ryan off the man, he seemed to let go a little easier this time though. Drew hugged Anna and Natalie stood with Eddie. Ryan just slumped down the wall and crashed to the ground "What's happened?"

"It wasn't a journalist in the resturant, apparently the guy who put Lily in here...Well he works for Blake?" Anna explained to her horrified friends.

"Ryan we need to call the police" Natalie interrupted Ryan's thoughts and he frowned. Natalie took her cellphone out of her pocket when Ryan nodded his approval.

"Mr Tedder?" A doctor had come in to speak with Ryan "Mr Tedder I'm afraid it's bot good news, we have been monitoring Lily for the last 24 hours and there is no change in her condition. The respirator is still doing 100% of her breathing for her and her blood is still not clotting as it should and her heart is very weak, it's struggling to with stand the pressure"

"So what are you trying to say? What do you want from me?" Ryan knew exactly where this conversation was heading but he didn't want to hear it out loud, he knew once the doctor said the words then he would have to admit this was real.

"I think the best thing you can do for your wife is let her go" The doctor winced as he waited for Ryan's reaction.

"Turn all this off you mean?" Ryan staggered backwards a little "No"

"Ryan maybe you should consider it..." Anna started but was cut off instantly.

"AND MAYBE YOU SHOULD MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" Ryan's temper was raging again now, how could her best friend even suggest this.

"Ryan don't speak to her like that she's only trying to help" Drew defended Anna instinctively.

"Help, alright well if you want to help, then tell me the fuck am I suppose to go back to my son, look him in his beautiful little face and tell him I gave up on his Mom, huh HOW?" Ryan turned his attention to Lily "Get out all of you"

"Ryan please" Natalie tried but Ryan flipped.

"I SAID GET OUT...NOW" Ryan yelled and everyone rushed towards the exit. Ryan sat beside Lily's bed and rested his head on her hand "What's happening to me baby? Huh? You see this is why I need you here..."

"Ryan" A familiar voice broke Ryan's thoughts he stood up as he turned, seeing his Mom standing in he doorway was enough to bring Ryan to his knees. But he some how held firm "Oh honey I'm so sorry, we should have gotten here sooner" Ryan hugged his mom and let her hold him for her moment "What a mess" she sighed as she gently stroked his head.


"Can I help you?" The midwife asked the man who was standing next to Riley Tedder's crib.

"No it's fine, I just wanted to see my nephew" the man replied "How is he doing?"

"I'm sorry sir you can't be in here " the midwife replied "we don't have consent from the parents"

"Oh I didn't realise" The man smiled, could you tell them I popped on to see him and that I think he is beautiful just like his mother?" The man grinned almost callously.

"Yes of course, what's your name?" The midwife smiled politely even though she was a little unsure of this man's intentions.

"It's Blake, Blake Timms" he replied and then walked towards the door.


Ryan had been sat with Lily for almost an hour after the doctor came in and told him the news "Ryan maybe you should speak with the doctor, Lily wouldn't want to be here, not like this" Marlene tried to get through to her son.

Ryan hesitated as he watched Lily, he was fixed on something "Mom did you see that?"

"What honey?" Marlene wondered what had gotten her son so worked up. She watched as he shot off his chair and pressed the buzzer "Ryan what's wrong?"

Three nurses and two doctors came in "She moved her hand, just a little bit. But she still moved it"

The doctor shone a light into Lily's eyes and waited "She's reacting to the light, Sophie reduce the sedative, Mia reduce the respirator to 50%"

"What?" Ryan hoped he was right.

"It would seem you were right Mr Tedder, your wife isn't going to give up without a fight"

Ryan threw his mom and knowing looks and she grinned widely back at him.

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