Chapter 26

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After a few weeks Natalie was finally allowed to go home, she felt much better knowing her relationship with Eddie was out in the open.

Ryan and Lily had decided to spend a few days by themselves in California, Lily was working on a photo shoot for a swimwear company. Ryan was midway through writing a song with Gavin Degraw so he arranged to meet him while Gavin was touring in California.

"So you're a married man now huh?" Gavin smirked "Bout time you guys got your acts together"

"Yeah well its been a tough ride" Ryan exhaled honestly.

"Yeah I heard, how are things now with Blake now. It must be good knowing he's locked up now..." Gavin was confused by Ryan's hesitation.

"He isn't though" Ryan exhaled deeply again.

"WHAT?" Gavin gasped unintentionally.

"He escaped during a transfer to a high security hospital" Ryan explained, Gavin could hardly speak.

"Jesus man, no wonder you're on edge letting Lily out of your sight" Gavin now understood why Ryan had been so protective of Lily "How has she taken it?"

"She hasn't really said much" Ryan replied "I'm not sure if she's trying to block it out for her own sake or mine"

"Shit I still can't believe it" Gavin was still trying to take it all in.

"Yeah its crazy, we have mad security right now. I mean it's not just Lily's life at risk now either" Ryan reminded Gavin of the fact Lily was pregnant.


"Thanks so much for today Lily" Jack the director smiled as he dismantled his recording equipment "Dean said you were easy to work with and he wasn't wrong"

"Oh it's good to know he still speaks highly of me" Lily giggled a little as she too started to pack her equipment away "Honestly though Jack it's been a pleasure"

"LILY, LIL" a familiar voice called from behind them "Ryan's on the phone for you" the voice belonged to Jeff (one of the bodyguards Ryan had hired to keep Lily safe while she was away from home)

"Excuse me Jack" Lily quickly excused herself and went to get the phone "Hello"

"Hey baby, how come you're not picking up?" Ryan's voice was a little stern.

"I left my phone in my car, sorry hun" Lily half smiled as she felt around I her jeans pocket "Listen I have finished up here early so should be back in an hour or so"

"Perfect" Lily could Ryan must be smiling "I'll book us dinner somewhere nice"

"Okay" Lily said goodbye to Ryan and passed Jeff his phone back "Thanks Jeff" As Lily turned her heart dimmed and her body swayed. Walking towards her was a guy with flowers. He looked to be delivering them.

"Lily sweetie are you okay?" Jack asked as he reached out to steady her, Lily jumped back instinctively before remembering where she was "Lily?" Jack looked a little concerned.

Lily shook her head frantically as she took the flowers and read the label 'You look radiant Princess, did you miss me? B xx' the flowers were now shaking in Lily's hands.

Jeff rushed forwards and took the flowers "Shit" he exhaled before handing them to Bill (another bodyguard) "Who ordered these?"

"Erm it was an online order" The delivery guy stuttered nervously "They didn't leave a name"

"Hey Ry" Lily heard Jeff on the phone to Ryan "We've got a problem"


"What do you mean flowers?" Ryan was horrified, Gavin was listening as he spoke to Jeff "Who sent them?"

"We don't know yet boss, Bill is looking into it" an uneasy Jeff explained.

"How is she?" Ryan asked and paused when Jeff hesitated "Jeff?"

"She's not good mate, it's really shaken her up" Jeff could hear Ryan's breathing getting heavier and more agitated.

"Let me speak to her, put her on the phone..." Ryan waited, he exhaled when he heard Lily's frail voice "Do you need me to come?..."

"Yes" Lily sniffed and in a burst of tears she was gone, Ryan could hear her crying in the background. Jeff's voice broke the painful sound.

"I'll be there in an hour" Ryan informed Jeff before hanging up and turning to Gavin "Listen man I'm really sorry...somethings happened and I need to go to her..."

"Hey don't worry its fine" Gavin had always been understanding when it came to family "We can pick this up some other time"

"Cheers dude" Ryan grabbed his keys and with his cellphone still in his hand he also picked up his jacket "I'll call you later and reschedule okay"

The door slammed shut and Ryan rushed towards the white Audi A3 hire car.


"I feel like such an idiot" Lily frowned as she took a glass of water off Jack "I'm not usually this unprofessional" she wiped her tears on a white handkerchief Bill had given her.

"Honey it's absolutely fine, Dean did give me a bit of background info on this subject. I know you have been through quite and ordeal recently" Jack sat beside Lily "I just wish I could do more to help"


Ryan pulled up in the car park, he had managed to complete an hours drive in just 40 minutes. He locked up the car and headed towards the small building next to the beach, he noticed some model leaving the shoot.

It wasn't until he got closer that he saw Lily sitting down on a bench, Ryan's fast walk turned into a gentle jog. Lily stood quickly when Jeff told her Ryan was there, she rushed straight into his arms "Hey its okay baby, you're safe" Ryan wrapped his arms tightly around Lily's trembling frame. He had never seen her like this, even before when Blake was stalking her, it had never gotten her in this much of a state.

It was at this moment Ryan realised the gun attack had affected Lily alot more than she had ever let on to him.


"So it was definately him" Ryan gritted his teeth at the realisation Blake was behind the flowers "Can they track him?"

"Not really no" Jeff replied sadly "He could have purchased them from anywhere, the joys of online shopping I'm afraid"

"What about tracing the source he used to order them?" Ryan replied desperately.

"Same deal, it's going to take at least 12 hours to trace the source and by that time he would be long gone" Jeff was unintentionally cutting Ryan down at every hurdle.

"What is it?" Ryan noticed a change in Jeff's expression, It was almost like he had something he wanted to tell Ryan.

"Bill is a little more concerned how Blake knew Lily was even here?" Jeff sighed and finally Ryan clicked, Jeff Jeff was right, how could Blake possibly have known Lily was in California, only a select few knew they were even going...

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