Chapter Seventeen

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"Well Lily I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to go home, how are you feeling now?" Doctor Taylor signed the discharge papers.

"Much better thanks" Lily replied as she glanced over at Ryan.

"That's good, now it's important that you take the tablets I prescribed and if you start to vomit again get in touch as soon as possible" doctor Taylor frowned as Lily nodded.

"Thank you Doctor Taylor, I'll keep a close eye on her" Ryan interrupted and Lily rolled her eyes.


"Who's that?" Anna asked as she came out of the shower, Drew smiled a she walked out into the lounge wearing just a towel around her torso.

"Oh just Ryan" Drew replied "Lily is going home"

"Oh that's great" Anna grinned "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Is that a trick question?" Drew laughed before grabbing Anna's waist and pulling her towards him. Anna let out a squeal before Drew kissed her.


Ryan held the door open as Lily waked into the apartment first, Ryan carried her hospital bag "Ryan I could have managed my bag" Lily sighed as she put her keys on the side and pressed play on the answer machine.

"The doctor said no lifting" Ryan argued and Lily rolled her eyes.

"He said no Heavy liglfting" Lily protested "this isn't heavy"

"It's still lifting" Ryan put her bag down in the bedroom and headed back into the lounge. He stopped to listen to the answer machine messages.

"Hello Miss Grainger this is Sargent Marshall from NYPD could you please give me a call as soon as possible we have some information about Blake Timms, the number is..." Lily turned to face Ryan, he listened to the number and dialled after the message was finished. He handed the phone to Lily.

"Hello this is Lily Grainger" Lily's voice was shakey, Ryan tried to listen to the conversation. He knew something was wrong the minute all the colour drained from Lily's face.

Lily hung up and looked straight at Ryan "What's happened?"

"Blake was transferred to a secure psychiatric hospital 3 days ago, he never got there. There was an accident with the transfer vehicle and they couldn't find him" Lily sniffed.

"What?" Ryan gasped "So he's out there somewhere again?"

"Yeah" Lily sobbed and Ryan hugged her "I can't go through this again"

"Hey look at me" Ryan cupped Lily's face in his hands "It won't happen again, pack your things"

"What?" Lily frowned.

"Pack your things, we can move into my place" Ryan said softly "I'll call Calvin and sort out some sort of security"

"Security" Lily repeated.

"Yeah, him hurting you again is not a risk I'm willing to take" Ryan tucked a stray strand of Lily's hair behind her ear "Especially not now, it's my job to keep you both safe, okay?"

"Okay" Lily half smiled, she couldn't hide how much the news had shaken her.


"Are you serious?" Drew sighed as he spoke with Ryan on the phone. He looked over at Anna who was watching curiously "Yeah of course, I'll give Douglas a ring and see what I can do"

Anna walked over to Drew and sat beside him "What's happened?"

"Blake Timms has managed to get out of prison" Drew was still trying to process it all.

"What?" Anna cried "Why in God's name would the let him go? The guys a loonatic"

"They didn't" Drew replied and Anna looked confused "He managed to get away during a transfer"

"Shit" Anna shook her head before looking at Drew "How has she taken it?"

"Not great" he shook his head.


Lily looked around Ryan's lounge, two guys had arrived after his phone call "Look I know this isn't ideal, but..."

"It's fine babe honestly" Lily put her hand on Ryan's arm "I'm glad I have someone to look out for me while you're away"

"Yeah and that's all it will be okay, just while I'm away" Ryan reassured her and kissed her gently on the head "You've dealt with this kind of thing before yeah?"

"Yeah" the taller of the two guys smiled, he was muscular and had dark hair "Your in safe hand honey, nothing will get past us" he smiled and Lily nodded.

"Is it okay if I take a shower?" Lily asked and Ryan chuckled.

"Yeah this is your home too baby" he said gently. He waited for her to walk out of the room before speaking to the guys Ray and Joshua (the taller one) "Thanks for doing this man, I owe you"

"No problem dude, I would be the same in your position" Ray patted Ryan's back "Is there anything in particular we need to look out for?"

"Honestly?...I have no idea, Blake could be absolutely anywhere" Ryan exhaled "She means the world to me and I can't let him hurt her again"

"I know, I get it" Joshua smiled "She will be well protected I can promise you that"


"So someone will be with her at all times?" Brent asked and Ryan frowned.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Shit" Brent sighed "How does Lil feel about it?"

"She hasn't really said much, but I feel the need to protect her, you know, especially now..." Ryan realised what he said and quickly tried to correct it "I mean with us getting married soon"

"Yeah of course" Brent smirked, he didn't let on he knew "How are the plans coming on? You've set a date now right?"

"Yeah we've decided to bring it fowards a couple of months" Brent's grin grew as Ryan spoke and Ryan had an idea why "You know don't you? About Lily?"

"Yeah sorry man we guessed yesterday after you took her to the hospital" Brent admitted and Ryan smiled.

"We?"Ryan repeated and Brent laughed.

"Yeah Eddie, Zach, Drew, Me and Anna"

"Didn't think it would be much of a secret after she collapsed anyway" Ryan looked St Brent who was smiling at him.

"I'm really pleased for you man" he said "You must be made up"

"Yeah" Ryan nodded "I just hope this sickness subsides soon"

"I'm sure it will my cousin had it bad for the first few months and then it just stopped"

Ryan hoped this would be the caee with Lily, she had been so much recently. The last thing she needed was to be so ill throughout her pregnancy.

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