Chapter 21

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Lily laid next to Ryan and just stared at the white gold wedding band that now sat beside her Tiffany's engagement ring "I still can't believe it's official" she grinned widely before grabbing Ryan's left hand. He put his palm flat against hers, their wedding rings aligned, Ryan moved his hand and locked his fingers inside hers.

"Mrs Tedder" Ryan sighed as he ran his hand through Lily's hair "That's it now you're mine forever" he grinned playfully and Lily laughed. She sat up and the covers fell to the bed revealing her torso, pain filled Ryan's eyes as he looked at the small circle scar and then the 4 inch line next to it which headed towards her side.

Ryan's frown turned to a smile when he spotted Lily's swollen stomach, her bump was becoming more prominent now "What?" Lily frowned.

"You won't be able to hide it for much longer, Baby your starting to show" Lily's hand fell down on her stomach as Ryan spoke "Maybe we should think about announcing It soon"

"Do you really think so?" Lily turned to face Ryan "You don't think it's too soon?"

"No, I mean we've had the 12 week scan and that's all fine" Ryan noticed a sense of edginess in Lily's demeanour.

"I don't want to jinx anything by going public" Lily sighed.

"Nothing is going to happen" Ryan sat up and watched as Lily moved away. She didn't speak she just dissappeared into the bathroom "Lily, Lil?" He got up out of bed and pulled on his pants, as he moved them Lily's bag fell on the floor revealing the 6 pregnancy test twin packs she had inside. Ryan crouched down and saw one of the boxes was open. He grabbed a couple and opened the bathroom door. Lily was sat on the floor "Lil talk to me" he said as he held them out in front of her.

"I Can't I don't know how to explain it" Lily seemed defeated, Ryan sat in front of her and lifted her chin with his fingers, he looked into her eyes "I'm just scared I will...I don't want to go through what happened last time" Ryan looked confused "While I was being sick I knew it was because of the baby, but now that's stopped...I don't know I'm just scared something will go wrong"

"Lily nothing is going to happen" Ryan reassured his new wife.

"But we don't know that, this is the only way of knowing everything is still okay. We can't get an ultrasound everyday"

"Maybe not but..." Ryan had an idea "Listen get ready, we're going out" he stood up and smiled. Lily frowned but did as she was told.


Ryan and Lily walked hand in hand down the side walk past all different kinds of shops, Ryan stopped at an electrical store "Come on" he led Lily inside and went to find an assistant.

"Hello" the young woman smiled, she looked a little bit shocked to see Ryan Tedder standing in front of her.

"Hiya I was wondering if you could help me, a friend of ours is pregnant and we wanted to get her a gift. I was thinking about one of those things you can use to check the babies heart beat" Lily looked at Ryan quickly as he explained. She couldn't hide her smile. This man was so thoughtful and amazing and even better she had just married him.

"Of course, you mean a Fetal doppler we have two kinds both do the same job but the quality is effected by the price" The woman smiled "This one is the better one it's 138 dollars"

"Great we'll take it" Ryan didn't hesitate he followed the woman to the cash register and pulled out his wallet. Lily watched as the woman put the Fetal Doppler in a paper bag "Thanks" the woman gasped as Ryan handed Her his credit card. She had obviously spotted the wedding ring he was wearing.

Lily quickly shoved her hands in her coat pocket, she waited for a few moments as Ryan finished paying.

"That's tomorrow's headline" Lily whispered as she followed Ryan out of the store.

"I don't care" Ryan shrugged "I love you Lily Gr...Tedder" he quickly corrected his mistake "and I don't care who knows it, your mine now and will be forever" Lily bit her lip as Ryan moved forwards and kissed her. He wrapped an arm around her and continued to walk along the sidewalk with her.


Lily laid in the bed back in their hotel room as Ryan moved the doppler around on her stomach, Lily was laughing uncontrollably at his efforts of trying to scan her stomach "Ryan it tickles" she giggled, suddenly she was silenced by a fast whooshing sound.

"Jackpot" Ryan grinned "Wow..." tears filled his eyes at the realisation of what he was listening too.

"Oh wow" Lily's eyes were also filled with tears "Thank you" she whispered and Ryan half smiled.

"You're welcome, just promise me no more pregnancy tests now okay?" Lily nodded and Ryan smiled.

"Hey I was thinking now might not be a bad time to announce it, the baby I mean" Lily smiled and Ryan sat up "But let's do something abit different"


Anna and Drew had checked into Twitter just like Ryan and LILY had told them too. In fact they had contacted all their friends and family telling them to tune into Twitter at 7pm...

"I wonder if they're going to announce their marraige" Drew said as he sat beside Anna, they both watched the screen of the laptop. Suddenly tweet was posted, it was a video link with the caption...New beats I have been working on, release date due in 6 months...

Anna clicked the link and almost squealed with excitement at the video, it was a clip of the doppler and the baby's heartbeat "Oh wow that's amazing" at the end of the video was a scan photo.

"Nice one" Drew smiled as he picked up his cell phone. He needed to speak to Ryan immediately.

Anna too picked up her phone, she needed to speak to Lily.


A phone vibrated on the coffee table, Blake answered it quickly "Hello" he listened to the voice "I'll look now" he fired up his computer and waited, his heart stopped as the video clip popped up. He gritted his teeth as he read the caption 'Say hello to Baby Tedder'

"We need to move our plans forwards" Blake snarled "I don't care how you do it, just get it done" he yelled before slamming his phone down on the table in front of him.

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