Chapter Eighteen

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'And even if they try they'll never take my body from your don't die'

The sound of Love Don't Die by The Fray, echoed around the kitchen. Lily was busy making breakfast for herself and Ryan "Morning sleepy" she sung cheerfully as she whisked some pancake batter. Ryan perched on a stool and leant on the counter.

"Morning" he chuckled "No sickness then?"

"Nope" Lily smirked as she poured the batter into a hot pan "OW" Lily jumped as some hot fat spat at her.

"You okay" Ryan stood and quickly rushed to her.

"Yeah" Lily giggled "It's just a spot of fat Ryan, jeez don't be such a girl" she teased. She bit her lip and Ryan felt himself lose control.

"Oh that's it Grainger, you're done" he picked her up by her waist and put her down on the kitchen counter hard before kissing her intensely.

"Ry, Ryan, baby the pancakes" Lily said in between kisses. Ryan turned the heat off under the pancakes and instantly returned his attention to Lily.

Before the couple could take things any further they were interrupted by a knock at the door "Ignore it" Ryan continued to kiss Lily's neck.

"It could be important" Lily moved away and Ryan resisted once again.

"Not as important as you" Ryan continued to kiss Lily, he stopped when the knock got harder "Shit" he gently lifted Lily off the side and without thinking she opened the door.

The guy on the other side of the door, eyes widened as Lily stood before him wearing Ryan's black t-shirt and nothing else. She felt her cheeks glow red at the realisation of her outfit "Oh sorry" the guy quickly gathered his thoughts when he spotted Ryan looking at him with his eyebrows raised "I have a parcel for a Miss Lily Grainger" he held up a medium sized box. Lily suddenly turned to Ryan with a look of fear.

"It's fine it's from me" he reassured her. Lily signed the sheet and took the box off the guy before shutting the door.

"What is it?" She shook the box trying to figure out what was inside.

"Broken if you shake it like that again" Ryan chuckled "Open it"

"Oops" Lily laughed a little she took some scissors from the desk and sliced through the parcel tape. The box was full to the top with shredded brown paper. Lily pulled it all out like an excited child, she stopped when she got to the second box. Written on it was the word NIKON D810 in thick black capital letters.

"What?" Lily was confused, she could see the smile on Ryan's face grow.

"It was meant to be your birthday present but..." Ryan explained "There is a condition that comes with it..."

"What condition?" Lily half smiled.

"It's for personal use only, I thought you could use it for our wedding and when this little one arrives" Ryan put a hand across Lily's stomach "I want you to capture our memories the way you do everyone elses"

"Oh babe it's perfect" Lily smiled as she reached up and kissed Ryan "I love it" tears filled her eyes as she put her hand on top of Ryan's.

"I can't wait to start our memories" She smiled and Ryan looked deep into her eyes.

"We've already started them" Ryan replied.


"I still can't believe he's out there somewhere" Anna said as she handed Natalie her tea.

"Poor Lily" Native exhaled "Just when things are finally looking up for her..." Natalie realised Anna was hiding something "What?"

"Oh it's nothing" Anna quickly replied trying to curb Natalie's suspicions.

"Anna" Natalie frowned "You have never been a good liar"

"Fine but you can't say anything" Anna said and Natalie nodded "Lily's pregnant"

"What?" Natalie gasped "That's amazing" she grinned.

"Yeah it is" Anna agreed.

"No wonder Ryan is taking extra precautions" Natalie remembered about the Blake situation "Do you think Blake will..."

"I hope not" Anna sighed "Lily is finally happy, she deserves this. I hope he has got the message and will leave her alone.


"Here's the keys, is there anything else I can go for you Mr Timms?" A Guy handed Blake a set of keys. They wee both standing in the lounge of Blake's new apartment. A nice light loft space that had been converted into a penthouse apartment. Luxury was the key in this apartment and it was perfect for what Blake needed.

"No that'll be all thank you" Blake smiled as he showed the guy out. He walked over tot he phone and saw the little call cards that were left on the side, next to the phone. There was one for a electrician, one for a plumber and one for a cleaner. Blake picked up the cleaner card and dialled the number "Oh hello is this Felicity Croyden? Your number was left in my apartment, I am looking for a cleaner"

Lily and Ryan walked into the hospital waiting room hand in hand "We have an appointment with Doctor Taylor" Lily smiled "My name is Lily Grainger" The receptionist took a long glance at Ryan, she got back to her job when Lily coughed lightly. She smirked when she saw how flustered the receptionist was.

"Sorry...erm yes if you'd like to take a seat over there, the doctor will be with you shortly Miss Grainger" The woman smiled and then eyed Ryan again.

"We aren't going to be able to keep this quiet for much longer are we?" Lily found the woman's interest in Ryan quite amusing.

"Not really" Ryan smiled "Maybe we should bring that family meal forward to this weekend?"

"Really?" Lily frowned "I thought we were..."

"That can wait, nothing is more important than us" Ryan gently brushed Lily's cheek with his thumb "I love you so much..."

"I love you too" Lily managed before being interupted.

"Lily Grainger" a voice announced. Lily and Ryan stood up and followed Doctor Taylor into his office "Okay Lily I understand you're here for you 12 week scan?"

"Yeah" Lily smiled and looked at Ryan.

"Right let's take a look shall we" Lily climbed up onto the bed and Ryan sat on the chair beside her, they both watched the screen. Lily lifted her shirt and allowed the Doctor to move the scanner around, the sound of a fast whooshing heartbeat filled the room "There's your little one" doctor Taylor smiled "That's a nice healthy heartbeat"

"And everything looks okay?" Lily asks cautiously and the doctor smiles and nods.

"Everything looks perfect" Ryan kissed Lily's hand as he watch the little white dot wriggle around the black screen "Would you like some pictures?"

"Yeah please" Ryan replied eagerly, Lily couldn't hide her smile at his reaction. He was obviously excited.

The fact she had seen her tiny little baby on a screen eased Lily's mind for now, but how long would it last? She had been extremely anxious about the pregnancy ever since she was taken into hospital. Lily did this she would cope if she lost another baby...For now though Lily was looking at the confirmation she needed, baby Tedder was fine...perfect in fact.

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