Chapter 23

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"Is that what you think?" Lee seemed hurt by Lily's response "You honestly think I would hurt Brett? Lily he was like a brother to me"

"Then why...I don't understand?" Lily frowned "Why did you take the blame?"

"To keep Brett out of jail" Lee's simple explanation stunned Lily "He had already been badly beaten by the time I had found him, he was also in possession of a huge amount of cash"

"What?" Lily couldn't take it in.

"Hey Lil what's going on are you okay?" Anna's voice echoed up the stairs, she stopped when she saw Lee "What the fuck?"

"Surprise" Lee half smiled and Anna faltered a little, she never in a million years expected to see her brother standing in front of her.

"Lee don't, you need to tell me what happened?" Lily interupted, she wanted to know why Lee lied about Brett "Are you saying he was responsible for the armed robbery?"

"Yeah" Lee sighed "Him and two other guys, except the two other guys got greedy and left him with less than half of his share" Lee explained and Lily perched on the table "It was still over 100 thousand dollars in marked cash, he couldn't risk going to Jail with Steph being pregnant. So I took the money"

"Yeah but why take the blame for beating him up?" Lily was still unsure what to think.

"Because it had to be believable, Lily it was a stupid impulsive decision. I was trying to do the right thing by Brett, I'm sorry I fucked up" Lee frowned and turned his attention to Anna "Forgive me" he had hoped for a happy reunion with his sister.

Anna didn't speak she just nodded and rushed into the open arms of Lee Murphy. Lily was a little more reluctant, maybe because it was her brother that had been lying in intensive care for 3 days or maybe because she couldn't understand why Brett hadn't mentioned any of this to her.


Lily seemed to relax more the more she spoke to Lee "Yeah its been a tough few months" Lily exhaled as Anna brought up her nightmare with Blake.

"How come?" Lee wondered, nothing could prepare him for Anna's reply.

"Lily was shot" She said bluntly.

"What? You serious? Why?" Lee asked one question after the other.

"Can you remember Blake Timms?" Anna asked and Lee thought for a moment.

"That geeky kid from your year?" He remembered him briefly, Lily nodded.

"Yeah well after a reunion, Blake started to stalk Lily. I mean proper stalking, he set up cameras in her bedroom and everything" Anna explained to a stunned Lee.

"Shit Lily, I didn't know" Lee didn't get chance to say anything else, there was the sound of a bell ringing.

"Lily" a sweet voice echoed as footsteps pounded up the steps. Lily turned to the door "I thought I'd call by on my way home"

"Hey Ryan" Anna smirked and Lee looked both starstruck and confused "Oh Ryan this is my brother Lee, Lee this is Ryan..."

"Tedder" Lee knew exactly who it was "Yeah I know who he is Anna I don't need an introduction"

"Yeah I think you do " Anna continued "Lee this is Ryan, Lily's husband" Lee's eyes widened and Ryan couldn't help noticing how uncomfortable Lily seemed "Oh shit I've gotta meet Drew" Anna panicked when she looked at her wacth "Are you staying or...?"

"I can hardly stay can I" Lee laughed and Ryan smiled politely. If he was honest he just wanted to get Lily alone so he could find out what was going on. Anna and Lee both said goodbye before leaving.

"Why do I get the feeling you and Lee know eachother a little better than Anna thinks you do?" Ryan asked as he stepped up behind Lily looping an arm around her waist.

"Because we do, it was a very long time ago now though" Lily frowned, she looked embarrassed.

"Hey listen I don't care what you tell me baby, you're my wife now remember?" Lily nodded happily.

"Yeah okay, me and Lee were more than just friends at one point. We slept together a few times" Lily explained and Ryan just listened "It was never nothing more than just a fling. But for obvious reasons we never mentioned it to anyone"

"So he's an ex?" Ryan grinned and Lily shook her head.

"God no, just a...I don't even know, but definately not an ex" She replied as she rested her hand on Ryan's chest "Honestly honey you have nothing to worry about, no one is a match for you baby" she smirks before kissing his neck "I love you so much"

"I love you too Mrs Tedder" Ryan chuckled and so did Lily.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of hearing that" Lily wrapped her arms around Ryan's neck and let her body lean into him, he held her weight perfectly without even hesitating.

"Good because I will never tire from saying it, I mean it Lily I love you so much" Ryan repeated.


"So how long are you in town for?" Anna asked as she sat at the table opposite Lee.

"No idea" Lee replied, he noticed as disappointment spread across Anna's face "But I'm not in any rush to leave you just yet"

"That's good, so you'll be around for Lily and Ryan's wedding then?" Anna grinned widely.

"Wedding but I thought you said?" Lee was confused.

"Yeah they are technically married, but it was only a small ceremony. They are having a church blessing before the baby's born" Anna explained.

"Baby?" Lee's face dropped suddenly "What you mean Lily's pregnant?"

"Yeah she's 4 months I think now" Anna replied she didn't even notice the change in Lee's expression "She wanted to marry Ryan before she was fat"

Lee laughed "Sounds like Lil"


Natalie had been busy for most of the day, her desk had been swamped with paper work. She was surprised to see a familiar face smiling at her from the door way "What are you doing here?" She stood up quickly "I thought you wanted to keep it on the down low?"

"Yeah, but I thought it would be nice to meet my girlfriend from work" The man smiled.

"Yeah okay" Natalie surrendered, she found it hard to resist that smile "Oh hey I told Lily I would call in at the studio on my way home. She needs a memory stick out of the cabinet"

"Yeah okay that's cool" the guy replied "You good to go now?" Natalie nodded and quickly headed back to her computer she turned it off and followed the guy out of the room.


"Wait here" Natalie said as she got out of the car and ran towards Lily's studio. She used her key and rushed up the stairs.

Natalie was only inside for a few moments when there was an explosion, all the windows in the building blew outwards causing mass destruction all along the row of buildings "Shit" the guy got out of the car quickly, he paused as he watched the building engulfed in flames "NATALIE" he yelled before bursting inside the building "NATALIE" he cried again. The smoke met him instantly and took what last bit of breath he had "NATALIE" it was then he saw her, lying unconcious on the floor "NATALIE"...

Meanwhile outside a crowd had gathered to help the other people in the row of shops, a woman had called for an ambulance and the fire department. No one could understand what was happening or why there had been an explosion in the first place...



Sorry for the cliff hanger, the next Chapter will be a good one I promise :)

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